Jan 1, 1299
Osman Gazi founded the Ottoman Empire.
The father of the Ottoman Empire Osman Gazi was born in 1258 in the town of Sogut. -
Jan 1, 1326
Bursa is made into the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Bursa is a city in Turkey, located in northwestern Anatolia. -
Jan 1, 1326
Osman Gazi dies.
He died of gout in Bursa. -
Jan 1, 1453
Byzantine capital is defeated when Emperor Constantine XI dies in Battle.
Emperor Contantine XI lived from 1405 to 1453. -
Jan 1, 1520
Suleyman I rules.
Was often called "Suleyman the Magnificent". -
Jan 1, 1566
Suleyman I dies, his son Selim II rules.
Selim II was nothing like his father. -
The Ottoman empire tries to conquer Venice, but fail.
Also known as the War of Cyprus. -
Greece revolts against the Ottoman Empire and win their independence.
Also known as the Greek War of Independence. -
The Ottoman Empire sides with Germany in World War I.
Joined the Central Powers to form the Triple Alliance. -
The Peace Treaty after World War I.
Ended World War I.