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Ottoman Empire

By ecooper
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Ottman Empire begins

    Ottman Empire begins
    Osman 1st wins a big battle over the Seljuk Turks. He becomes the leader of the new Ottamn Dynasty.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    Ottoman Empire

  • Jan 24, 1326

    Osman dies and Bursa becomes capital

    Osman and his troops attack the city of Bursa in northwest Turkey. Becomes the capital of The Ottman Empire. Also Osman dies this year.
  • Jan 24, 1345

    Osman's son Orhan becomes leader

    Osman's son Orhan becomes leader
    Orhan becomes leader and takes over Thrace
  • Jan 24, 1402

    The empire reunites

    Bayezid's sons fight for control of the empire.
  • Jan 24, 1413

    His son won

    Mehmed wins and reunites the empire.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Suleyman the magnificent

    Suleyman the magnificent
    Probaly the best leader in The Ottoman Empire Suleyman conquers western Asia and sotheast Europe.
  • They lose

    They try to conquer Venice, but fail.
  • Greece revolts

    Greece revolts againt The Ottamn Empire
  • The Ottaman Empire is complete

    During World War 1 the Ottaman Empire is finished. It sides with Central Powers