Autumn 2


  • ORION Launch

    The Orion-class colony ship is among the seven experimental interstellar vessels that launch from Earth, to establish a foothold on the planet Wolf 1061c.
  • FTL Malfunction

    The Orion reaches the approximate safe distance for the activation of its Mercury FTL drive, and the crew goes into stasis. The drive malfunctions, cutting the ship off from all outside human contact.
  • Landfall

    After surviving its equipment malfunction, the Orion arrives in a solar system that is most assuredly not the one they were intended to arrive in. With the FTL drive out of commission, their only option is to take refuge on one of the unidentified planets, and the only one which appears even remotely habitable.
  • Period: to

    Foundation Years

    From 2054 to 2061 the colonists, having arrived on the planet's surface safely, attempt to establish a permanent settlement. Their success is limited by the alien environment and by their own interpersonal conflicts, compounded by the ponderous movement of the Colonial Council that was put in place prior to their departure from earth. Unprepared for the challenges of their new home, many colonists perish in these difficult times.
  • First Blood

    As their situation grows ever more dire, the Colonial Council begins to falter. Differences of opinion lead to near-constant stalemates as to how to distribute food supplies and material resources, leading to shortages in various areas. Suffering from hunger and desperation, a group of agricultural specialists arm themselves with makeshift weapons and launch an attack on the food reserves. Although the farmers were quickly put down, their desperation is one that many colonists sympathize with.
  • Takeover

    With morale at an all time low, the Colony grows desperate for some kind of solution. They seek the counsel of their exploration and security division, most of them veterans from various armed forces on Earth, and are convinced to permit a radical shift in government. With desperation gnawing at their heels, the citizens are willing to accept the rule of martial law if it means surviving this alien world, appointing an Administrator as the head of the colony.
  • Period: to

    Recovery Period

    Under strict, decisive new leadership, the Orion colony begins to recover. While living conditions are significantly more spartan than ever before, there is enough food to be distributed to the whole populace under strict ration. Under government direction, high-priority projects such as additional farming habitats, power plants, walls, and manufacturing facilities are rapidly completed. The populace is surviving, even if they are not necessarily content.
  • Unrest

    22 years after the change in government, the situation has improved immensely. Food is commonly available, if still rationed, and it seems that the worst strife is over. Citizens begin to petition for a return to a more democratic form of government, now that the crisis appears over; their request is denied by the Administrator, citing the potential for a return to desperate times should the structure return to its roots. This only further invigorates dissent.
  • Protests begin

    Despite the Administration's efforts to calm the growing of discontent, tensions begin to rise as the colonists defy curfew time and time again in order to protest the continuation of martial law. Multiple nonviolent confrontations occur, and for the most part they resolve peacefully with the Militia dispersing the crowds.
  • Midnight Massacre

    Midnight Massacre
    Tensions boil over during a protest late at night, well past curfew, at the Administration's main office. After militiamen are called upon to disperse the protest, they stand watch for almost an hour until, from somewhere in the crowd, a ten-pound steel building block is hurled at the militia line. The block strikes and kills a young private, and the Militia retaliates by firing into the crowd, killing one man and wounding several more. An active insurrection movement begins to form.
  • Period: to

    The Insurrection

    For the next nineteen years, the Orion colony was embroiled into what amounted to a civil war between the Administration and the Democratic insurrection. This conflict saw the Colonial Militia become the instrument of the Administration in defeating the Insurrection, ultimately culminating in the public execution of the Insurrection's leaders.
  • Modern Dictatorship

    In response to the rapid momentum of the Insurrection, the Administration begins to assert more and more control over the citizens, instituting in full the modern military dictatorship and effectively tightening the noose on the Insurrection's movement. This also has the added benefit of massively increasing the Administration's manufacturing and military capabilities, hastening the end of the conflict.
  • The End of the War

    The End of the War
    The end of the Insurrection came about when the Colonial Militia committed to one last colony-wide purge, rooting out the Insurrection with extreme prejudice and executing most, if not all, of their leaders. Following the purge, no hint of Insurrectionist activity remained and weeks later, on December 25th, the Administration announced the end of the conflict. There were no last-minute struggles that would prove them wrong.
  • The Junta

    The Junta
    Following the brutal guerrilla war that had taken hold of the colony for almost twenty years, the Administration assured its position before taking the next step in its larger plan. The Administration was included in the creation of a new Council, more resembling a military junta than a dictatorship. While it hardly resembles the democracy the people sought, it is a sign of hope for the future. Anyone can join the militia, and so in theory, anyone could eventually help lead the colony.