Tehran Conference
Churchill: The USSR could absorb part of eastern Poland while the latter would gain part of Eastern Germany. -
Percentages Agreement
Britain to have 90% influence in Greece, the USSR to have 90% influence in Romania and 75% in Bulgaria. -
Yalta Agreement
The US and Britain rejected revision of the Polish Border. There was also the inclusion of London Poles inside Lublin Commitee. Stalin signed the Declaration of Liberated Europe which pledged free elections and democratic institutions. -
Kennan's Long Telegramme
Kennan's analysis of Soviet foreign policy emphasized the role of communist ideology. He saw the Soviet leadership as suspicious and agreesive; insecurities that stemmed from their view of the outside world as virulently anti-communist. -
Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
Some of the themes discussed in the LT and privately discussed by officials were being aired for the first time. Churchill began by praising the United States, which he declared stood "at the pinnacle of world power." It soon became clear that a primary purpose of his talk was to argue for an even closer "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain—the great powers of the "English-speaking world"—in organizing and policing the postwar world. -
The Baruch Plan
Truman's administration was reorganised to reflect this new consensus. -
Truman Doctrine
President Harry S. Truman declared it to be the foreign policy of the United States to assist any country whose stability was threatened by communism. His initial request was specifically for $400 million to assist both Greece and Turkey, which Congress approved. But then, Britain informed the US that it could no longer afford to provide to provide assistance to Greece, and would shortly after withdraw its troops. -
Marshall Plan
In 1947, it seemed as if western Europe was facing a severe economic and psychological crisis. George Marshall launched the idea of a Marshall Plan to restore economic stability and hence polictical stability. The Plan's primary motive as policitical, which is to contain communism. The secondary motive was to create a captive European market for American goods. -
Berlin Blockade
In the early months of 1948, the US and British sought agreement on a plan to introduce a new German currency that would circulate freely in all four zones. When this met with Soviet resistance, the three Western powers proceeeded in June 1948 to establish the Deutsche Mark. Stalin, rightly interpreted the creation of a single currency as the signal for the establishment of the new Germany in the West. In June 1948, Russia blocked the roads and rail routes to Berlin, causing Berlin Blockade. -
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is established by 12 Western nations: the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal. The military alliance, which provided for a collective self-defense against Soviet aggression, greatly increased American influence in Europe. -
Warsaw Pact
It included the Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria as members. The treaty called on the member states to come to the defense of any member attacked by an outside force.