
Origins of the Cold War

  • The Tehran Conference

    The Tehran Conference
    USSR absorb part of Poland, Poland absorb part of eastern Germany
    Roosevelt did not object but said he could not publically agree
    (Polish Issue)
  • Pecentages Agreement

    Pecentages Agreement
    UK have 90% influence in Greece
    USSR have 90% influenece in Romania and 75% in Bulgaria
    (Polish Issue)
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    USSR asked for $6 billion loan
    US imposed conditions of opening Eastern Europe Market to US manufactured products
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Roosevelt responsible due to his tacit agreement/
    Stalin responsible as he signed declaration of Liberated Europe without the intention to abide
    (Polish Issue)
  • Roosevelt doubts

    Roosevelt doubts for the first time the possibility of post war co-operation with the Soviets
    (Impact of Yalta Conference)
    (Polish Issue)
  • Atomic Diplomacy

    Truman offered Stalin information about atomic bimb in exchange for the reorganization of Sovit-controlled govts in Bulgaria and Romania.
    => accelerated the start of nuclear arms race (characterize the CW)
  • Korea

    Soviet moved troops across Russian border into NK to take over from japanese.
    Us quickly sent troops to occupy SK
    => shows Stalin was still willing to co-operate at this time
  • Manchuria

    50,000 US marines sent to nort China to secure key communication centres, roads, rail routes & help transport KMT armies to the area.
    => due to Soviets overt aggression
    =. trust between US and USSR breaks down
  • USSR failure to join IMF and WB

    USSR failure to join IMF and WB
    Signalled refusal of the USSR to participate in reconstruction of Global Economy => Beginning of economic schism
  • Truman 's Conclusion

    in view of Sovietisation of Romania and Bulgaria, Truman had already concluded that they should not compromise any longer and that he was tired of "baying the Soviets"
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    1st time containment put on paper
    It laid the foundation for the formation of the Marshall Plan in June 1947
    However, there was no response from Stalin
  • Romania - Sovietisation

    non-communist National Peasant Party surpressed and its leader Iuliu Maniu sentenced to life imprisonment; king Michael forced to abdicate
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    USSR initial willingness => 100 en delegation led by Motolov
    American insistance of economic co-ordination, Soviets have to give up exclusive control of their own economy which was unacceptable to USSR
    =>Cemented the economic schism in Europe
    => Russians developed their own version, the Motolov Plan
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    came close to the first armed clash between the 2 sides and represnted a point where the Cold War might have turned hot.
    => might have contrivuted to NATO in 1949
    ended any hope of agreement => microcosm for the division in Europe