Soviet launches satellite
The Sviet Union launched the first artificail satellite. This Sputnik satellite alarmed the US since they realized the Soviets could develope highly destructive weapons and deliver them through space. -
After the Soviets launched their satllite, The US department of defense founded the Advanced Research Projects Agency, who soon came to develope things like missile technololgy and the internet. -
ARPA crated Information Processing Technologies Office that went on to find a way to share ifnormation between ARPA's computers and other computers around the United States. -
IPTO using telephone lines
IPTO began developed a computer network that was capable of transmitting info over telephone lines called packet switching. -
Leonard Kleinrock
Leonard Kleinrock installed the first computer processor capable of handling digital packet-switched data on a UCLA "host" computer. -
Host computers
ARPANet had 23 host computers at 15 different institutions -
Sending messages
ARPANet researchers programed and made a way to send brief messages across a network. -
WAIS helped engines like google become popular. -
Tim Berners Lee, invented the World WIde Web. -
Gopher, a search program developed at the University of Minnesota became available to the public. -
A Wide Area Info Server system was invented and permitted users to search for files based on real content. -
World Wide Web
Berners-Lee's program about 50 sites on the world wide web. -
Browsing programs
Students working at NCSA developed a browsing program that made it easier for people to access the World Wide Web. -
By 2000 more than half of personal computers in the US used internet explorer. -
The web expanded to have more than 36 million sites. With thousands added everyday