Compulsory Education Laws Begin: 1852
The beginning shift of pushing children towards going to school instead of just working in factories. This wasn't spread widely until the early 1990's, Children did not have much free or play time still. This demand for school took them more out of the workplace but didn't give them more freedom. Certain states had started to enforce this change sooner than others. -
1930's push for education and free time
Public works programs started to pay for the construction of new schools and the school day was now six hours (closer to what we have now) from three hours. Also there was restrictions on child labor so only adults could work, this put all children into having FREE time. This was the first children had been assigned free time versus working or going to school -
Latchkey Children 1940's
During this time, it was the first time in history children had begun experiencing free time. This also was a busy time for parents since WW2 is going on and mom's went into the workforce while dad was at work. This led the government to do the first publicly funded childcare and daycare programs for all age kids. This was to close the work gap and it had ended once the war was over, but was still the first time they had provided some sort of child care. -
Rise in Inner City 1960s
During this time there was a rise in inner city gangs and drug use. Areas higher in poverty suffered the hardest with these problems so the government offered childcare for lower income households to encourage parents to rejoin the workforce and keep the problems from developing. -
1970s women's rights and supervision gap
During this time, women's rights to work became a civil issue. The questions that started to arise were around childcare for families and single parent households. This time influenced a change around childcare. -
comprehensive child care act passed
A demand for child care lead to a white house conference on this increasing problem. There was a big exposure of the current child care and this lead experts to team up and demand proper child care.The comprehensive child development act is for children of all households not just low socioeconomic status. -
1972 Nixon ends the childcare act
One year later Nixon ended the Comprehensive child development act because he didn't think the government should be responsible for raising people's children. He said childcare should be a communal act and not their resposnsibility so he put an end and cut off funding for this resource. This was a loss for child care. -
1970s and 1980s self care
This was after the women's rights push and it created the idea of self care for children. It was studied to show independence but it also could effect the child in many negative ways such as loneliness or increased drug use. Still was a push into a different way of child care and was especially convenient for single parents or working households. -
1990 First federal Funding for Child Care
The CCDBG (childcare and development block grant act) was the first shift towards providing care. It had helped against the problems with poverty and helped with child care for the lower income families. This was the first federally funded act by the government to help with child care and help to defeat the violent/drug problems related to poverty. -
1996 welfare reform
This was a push to get single mothers into the workforce by making it easier for them. This also was a push for more child and day care services being needed for after school and during working hours. This event is significant since it drove the government to start to look for more resources to get these women back into the work force. -
1997 rise in juvenile crimes
The prime time for Juvenile crimes was between 3:00 PM and 8:00PM. This is the average time for students to be out of school and in lower income areas without access to extracurricular activities or after school care. This was without parent supervision or any adult super vision and led to 57% of Juvenile violent crimes to be committed on these days and times. -
1998 1st funded out of school programs began
The 21st century community learning centers which helped bridge the gap between school and outside activities. This helped by providing year round care and helping to keep children in outside school activities. It is still used and funded to this day, so it was a very successful and beneficial program. -
It was academic enrichment activities that could encourage kids of socioeconomic status to participate and be driven academically in school. It helped to provide literacy and transferred more funding to schools and after school programs. -
2000s rise in funding
People loved the recent academic boosts and this lead to states increasing funding for no child left behind. This also lead to people joining together to get more public funding and more programs to other places to help everyone. It was a national bonding over the positive influence of this event -
current times 2019
In California, only 5% of kids use government funding for child funding leaving millions unattended. This is a huge problem that many face with trying to find extracurricular activities, daycare, nannies or asking family to watch children. It is a huge burden upon working parents and can lead to many problems for the child's future. We especially need to fund for those in lower socieconomic status families since it is harder for them to gain access to the resources I said above.