Fixism (Karl von Linneo)
It is a theory that says that species do not change, these remain unchanged since the CREATION.
Karl von Linneo thought that all organisms of the Earth appeared in their actually forms and never changed.
He studied the organisms as a whole and he clasified them based on theirsimilar characteristics. -
Charles Bonnet (Consideration sur les corps organisés)
``Consideration sur les corps organisés, the first piece which spoke about evolution to define changes that occurred consecutively. -
George Louis Leclerc
He suggested that life in the Earth has 75000 years and the Human came from the chimpanzee. He tried to give a materialistic interpretation about life. -
Erasmus Darwin
Darwin´s grandfather, he said that life on Earth does not have 75000 years, it has millions of years. -
This theory says that each geological cataclysm destroy existing species and later, there is a new Creation of species.
George Cuvier, zoologist and naturalist, defender of paleontology, he proposed Catastrophism. -
His theory is called Transformism and it says that the species evolve because these change gradually over time.
This hypothesis is based in two points:
-The function creates the organ, if species do not use an organ, it will disappear (atrophy); and if species need an organ, it will appear.
-Heritage of traits. -
Alfred Wallace
He helped Charles Darwin to create his evolution theory; ``Evolution theory of Darwin-Wallace´´.
He founded with Charles Darwin ``London Linnaean Society´´ in 1858. -
Charles Darwin
He presented ``London Linnaean Society´´ in 1858 and proposed an evolution theory based on ``Natural Selection´´.
All living beings have a kinship link., actually species are formed by adaptative divergence.
Main themes:
-High reproductive capacity.
-Variability in populations.
-Natural selection.
-Species evolve. -
Mendel proposed heritage laws, this discovery helped to form the synthetic theory of evolution, called Neo-Darwinian. -
He proposed Neodarwinism theory; based on two themes:
-Genetic variability of the population; although the majority of the gens are common gens, there are mutations and genetic recombinations.
-Natural selection (Darwin-Wallace theory). -
Stephen Gould
He proposed a theory called ``Punctuated Equilibrium´´, this theory says that sometimes evolution occurs ``in jumps´´. Sometimes there are not intermediate steps, for example in fossils. -
Donald Johanson
He discovered the rests of a skeleton of Australopithecus who called Lucy. -
Motoo Kimura
He wrote ``evolutionary rate at the molecular level´´ in 1968 and he proposed ``The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution´´ which says that there is not Natural Selection, it is random.