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Dollar Diplomacy
in Jan 1945, the USSR asked for a $6 billion loan from US. The US imediately put on conditions on this loan. A further $1 billion loan in Aug 1945 was lost by US state department. But at same time, US was providing loan to the European ountries such as UK.
This reuslt in the USSR failed to join IMF and World Bank in December 1945. -
Yalta Conference
At Yalta conference, the Big 3,declared about the a free election will be held in Poland. But Stalin saw this as a public purpose. Hence only 2 London Poles were added in to Lublin Committe. This made the Roosesevelt first doubted the possibilties of cooperation with Soviet -
Long Telegramme
In Jan 1946, Geroge Kennan who was the US dipomatic officer at Moscow submitted a secret report to the White House. He analysied the Soviet Foreign Policy. He saw the leaders of the USSR was suspicious and aggressive. Based on this analysis, he pointed out that there should be no compromise with Soviet.
This reposrt was not a public repost. Even Truman did not read it. However this repost did change the mindset of people who read this report,the head officers of the state. -
Iron Curtain
5th March 1946, Churchill made this speech to the public of the state. it influenced the mindset of American Public. BUT not all American people were changed, a newspaper in Chiago made comment on his speech as try to start a new war.
why his speech was so important?
Churchill, as the ex-PM of Britain who had a signficiant position at WW2 has the potential to impact the public. he was not holding any position in government. that means his speech may not contain any policital meaning -
Clifford-Elsey Report
This report was reviewing the US-USSR relationship. In the report, advisers use the examples of Iran and Manchuria to highlight the ideological threaten from Soviet. This report made the USSR look bad. It was a public report so it also influenced the American public. It reflects the changes of the US perception of the USSR.
After this, the US starts to change to a harsher policy towards Soviet for examle, the US added more conditions on loan -
Truman Doctrine
In 1947, communist was involved in the Greece civil war. This involvement was seen as the action made by Moscow however it was actually led be Tito,the communist leader of Yugoslavia. Also in Turkey, Soviet demanded more resources from Turkey. In the viewing of these 2 points. Truman Doctrine came out. Althrough there is no immediate change in the relation between The USand USSR, it was the first time the US declared that they would step in to deal with Soviet althrough soviet was not mentioned. -
Czechoslovakia Coup
In Feb 1948, communist seized the power of Czechoslovikia. This event is not so important by istself. but it acts as a catalyic effect on the implementation of the Marshall Plan. -
Marshall Plan
the Marshall plan can be seen as an expansion of dollar diplomacy. In the light of Sovietisition in Eastern Europe, the western European countries faced the ideological threaten from the USSR. In order to help them, the US carried out the Marshall Plan. At the start, the USSR tried to coorperate but they cannot accept the conditions. Hence the coorperation broke. soon the USSR carried their own Molotov Plan to against the Marshall Plan.
The economic division of the Europe marks the start of CW