Origin of Cold War Tensions

  • The Atlantic Charter

  • Period: to

    Wartime Conferences between the Allies

  • Percentages Agreement

  • End of the Great Power status of previously dominant European powers.

  • Period: to

    US monopoly over nuclear weaponery

  • Period: to

    Decolonization period around the world

  • The Yalta Conference

  • The First successful explosion of an atomic bomb in the US

  • Postdam Conference

  • Stablishment of the UN

  • The Iron Curtain speech

  • The Truman Doctrine and the Policy of Containment

  • USSR removes other political group from power

  • The Marshal Plan

  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • NATO formation

  • Detonation of an atomic Bomb by the USSR

  • Creation of the Federal republic of Germany

  • Victory of the Chinese Communist Party

  • Creaton of the German Democratic republic