"God created the world in 4004 b.c". Humans tought that God created the world because they haven´t got studies to aprove it. -
Spontaneous generation.
Aristóteles thought in spontaneous generation,
Later, Francesco Redi made an experiment whith three jars in which he put meat and fish. Two of them had a muslin and the other one no. The last produced worms, because flies found it and put eggs in it, so it developed larvas. So it was contradict. -
Jean Baptiste de Monet.
Lamarck created a hipothesis denominated transformism which supose that species evolution when they transform gradually one in each other. -
George Cuvier
He's the father of paleontology. Defended the fijism like Karl von Linneo. To study the diversity of fossils, he created the theory of catastrophism. It says that each cataclism which occur in th Earth, destroy species. In this way, after that could produce new species. -
Darwin- Wallace theory
This theory defended that all life breeding have a relationship. The actual species are the consecuence of the progressive adaptative divergence of previous species. -
Louis Pasteur.
He made an experiment to refute the doubt what people still had about spontaneous generation. -
"Live come to Earth in shape of spore which cames from space and was propel by radiation of stars" There was thought because meteorites showed the presence of amino acids, nucleic acid, fatty acid and hydrocarbon. -
Chemical evolution
Aleksandre Oparin defended that chemical compounds which existed in primitive atmosphere was the raw matter to the combination of organic compounds easier than living being.
Primitive atmosphere lack of oxygen, but it had methan, ammonia, water vapour, carbon dioxygen and hydrogen sulphide. -
Karl von Linneo considered that species was created in a independent way and denied the possibility of common origen in
life breeding. -
Stanley Miller
Miller put into a jar of boilding water, gases which extisted in primitive atmosphere. After a secuence of electric boosts, mostly of these elements was changed to organic compounds, like amino-acids, basics to life. -
This theory defended the natural selection. It consist in the variation of genes increase their frequence which appear advantegous comninations, so each population, which slowly but continuously, evolution because of the adaptation to the enviroment. -
neutralist theory.
Defended the pure mishap. It do that population variate which one, a mutate gene, can scatter whithout a selective advantage. -
Punctuated equilibrium.
Stephen J.Gould set out that absence of steps in fossil register isn't by unfinished, it's because evolution produce by "jump around".