1 CE
History of the English Language
The original ancient English language was then influenced by two invading waves: the first was from speakers of the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic languages, which conquered and colonized parts of Britain, the second was from the Normans in the eleventh century, who spoke ancient Norman and they developed a variety of English called anglonormado. -
English Anglo-Saxon
These Germanic invaders dominated the British and Latin Celtic-speaking inhabitants. The languages spoken by these Germanic invaders formed what would be called ancient English, which was a language related to the ancient Frisian. Ancient English had the strong influence of another Germanic dialect, ancient Norse, spoken by the Vikings who settled primarily in northeastern Britain. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioma_anglosaj%C3%B3n -
Intermediate English
The twelfth century was the time of transition between ancient and middle English. In that period almost nothing was written in English and there were very few loans from French. The transition to Middle English is marked artificially by the date of the Norman conquest of England in 1066. http://www.proel.org/index.php?pagina=mundo/indoeuro/germanico/germanooc/inglesmed -
Early Modern English
Early Modern English is the ancient form of English today, as a variant of the Anglo-Saxon language. It is the English practiced mainly during the Renaissance, and more commonly associated with the literary language of William Shakespeare. Chronologically it is located between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries in the areas populated by the Anglo-Normans (approximately 1450 to 1700).
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingl%C3%A9s_moderno_temprano -
Importance of the English language in the modern world
In many countries, children are initiated and motivated to learn English as a second language. It is the dominant language in the sciences; Many of the research and studies available in any scientific branch are written in English. At the level of higher education, various institutions around the world offer programs in English in order to make the study material more accessible to foreign students. https://e3english.com/la-importancia-del-idioma-ingles/ -
The importance of learning English today
Nowadays it is essential to learn English, and that is that we are speaking the most international language, so that it is the best system to be able to develop properly in practically any country we travel to.