James Hutton Proposess That The Earth Has Been Gradually Changed By an Ancient Force That Has Been At Work From The Begining Of Time
-Was the first one to theorise that the earth was slowly changed by natural forces over long periods of time and not from major catastrophes
-Strongly influenced Darwin's ideas of natural selection, as just like how the earth was slowly changed by small forces but made major change to the earth, he believed that just like the forces that shaped the earth, evolution has been at work from the beginning of time and slowly made minor changes but over many years will make a major change to a species -
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Proposes Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters(Lamarckism) In His Book “Philosophic Zoologique”
-The theory was the use/disuse theory which stated that changes in which an organism acquires when adapting to a different environment are automatically handed down to its offspring as they are important to survival and will maintain those traits.
-Proposed that all life started out as simple forms and over a long period of time evolved into complex life-forms as they adapted and changed to their environment marche de la nature
-Theories inspired Darwin's later theory of natural selection -
George Culvier Publises Book on Fossils Called "Récherches sur les Ossemens fossiles des Quadrupèdes" Providing Evidece of Evolution
- Proved that certain animal and plant species have gone extinct and do not roam earth anymore, he discovered this due to certain flora and fauna fossils found in rocks did not match with any current living species. -Theory was that catastrophic floods from the theory of catastrophism cause certain species to go extinct and then were replaced with a new species
- Strongly influenced Charles Darwin's theory of natural assortment as it showed that animals changed due to there environments
Charles Lyell Publishes Volume I of The Book " Principles of Geology"
-Proved that the earth was much older than 6000 years by studying the physical features created on earth, creating the theory of uniformitarianism.
-Showed that features on earth were created by small natural forces moving over a long period of time and that the forces are still active today, showing it takes many years for major change to occur
-Strongly influenced Darwin and other scientists to think of evolution as a slow process in which small changes gradually occur over great spans of time -
Charles Darwin world trip on the Beagle
- noticed different fossils that resembled common day animals
- species appeared most similar to those in nearby, but geographically separated areas
- studied the beaks of finches from close but separate islands and realized small changes in each of the birds that would help them survive in their particular environment
- proposed the theory of natural selection in his book "the origin of species"
- raced to propose the theory of natural selection before Alfred Wallece published his paper on it
Alfered Russel Wallace goes on eight-year expedition to the Dutch East Indies
- Wallace observed that maleos(birds) and how -He realized that just as animals are shaped by where they live, regions can also be defined by the animals that live there.
- saw animals using the land -Wallace saw the island's natural history in terms of how species had migrated to new environments on the island, adapted to them, and then evolved(natural selection)
- Sent Darwin his report and discoveries, that Darwin had made much earlier in the galaopocos, prompting him publish his paper first