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Orgins of Christianity

By cahicks
  • 63 BCE

    63 B.C

    Roman conquered Judea- allowing for the Romans to come in contact with Judaism. This was the first time that the Romans had come in contact with a monotheistic religion.
  • 4 BCE

    4 B.C

    Jesus was born in Bethlehem (near Jerusalem) as the Son of God. He was brought up by and followed Judaism.
  • 70

    A.D 70

    Romans destroyed Jerusalem's temple causing years of rebellion and outbreaks
  • Period: 100 to 200

    Development of Church Structure

    The church developed a formal church structure with clergy which are people who conduct worship services.
  • 313

    A.D 313

    Constantine issued the Edict of Milan that ended the persecution of Christians
  • 324

    A.D 324

    Constantine (ruler of Roman Empire) favored Christianity as a religion which lead to the more support of the religion despite the downfall of the Roman Empire.
  • 395

    A.D. 395

    Christianity became official religion of Roman Empire. Constantine promoting Christianity allowed for it to gain supporters and followers.
  • 410

    A.D 410

    Augustine defeated Christianity against critics who claimed the sack of Rome was punishment for abandoning traditional gods