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Organ Donations History

  • The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA)

    A model statute, intended for adoption in every jurisdiction. This law provided the legal foundation upon which human organs and tissues can be donated for transplantation by execution of a document of gift.
  • Public Law 92-603

    Amended the Social Security Act to extend Medicare coverage to certain individuals with chronic renal disease. Such individuals were deemed to be disabled for the purposes of coverage under Parts A and B of Medicare.
  • The Uniform Brain Death Act

    A model statute, intended for adoption in every jurisdiction. This model law established that the irreversible cessation of all functioning of the brain, including the brain stem, was death.
  • Public Law 95-292

    Amended the Social Security Act (End-Stage Renal Disease Program—Improvements) to provide for coverage under Medicare for end stage renal disease patients to receive kidney transplantation services.
  • The Uniform Determination of Death Act

    A model statute, intended for adoption in every jurisdiction, that replaced the Uniform Brain Death Act (which did not address traditional criteria for determining death). The Act states that an individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory or respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain, including the brain stem, is dead.
  • Public Law 99-272, The Omnibus Reconciliation Act

    Required that states have written standards with regard to coverage of organ transplants in order to qualify for federal payments under Title XIX of the Social Security Act.
  • Public Law 100-203, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

    December 22, 1987—Provided for the designation of pediatric hospitals that perform pediatric heart transplants as meeting certification requirements as heart transplant facilities in specified circumstances.
  • Public 101-274, Amendment to the Organ Transplant Amendments Act

    April 23, 1990—Deferred a certification requirement with respect to organ procurement organizations.
  • Final Rule

    Governing the operation of the OPTN was issued and published in the Federal Register.
  • Public Law 110-413, Stephanie Tubbs Jones Gift of Life Medal Act

    October 14, 2008—Establishes authority for the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a National Medal honoring organ donors.