Organ Donation Project

By JJW2023
  • Remarkably, in 1838 the first corneal xenotransplantation (from a pig) was performed in a patient

  • The first verifiably documented skin transplant occurred in 1869

  • blood types discovered and the idea of organ transplant was made

  • Period: to

    dates of organ transplant improvements

  • First organ transplanted (kidney) from identical twins

  • in 1956, the first successful bone marrow transplant took place.

  • Liver, heart and pancreas transplants were successfully performed by the late 1960s

  • in June 11, 1963, James Hardy performed the first human lung transplant

  • The first formally published case was performed by Lillehei17 in Minneapolis in 1967.

  • First living donor kidney removed by laparoscopic surgery

  • the heart in a box concept has expanded the time that a heart can be outside of a body from 4 hours to 14 hours.

  • The first DCD heart transplant was performed in 2014, using the heart in the box concept.

  • in 2018, The first OCS Lung transplant was made

  • an advanced system in which transportation time can be increased by making the donor organs into thinking that they are still inside the body