Elia Vocabulary Timeline

By eliao
  • Perpetrators

    Blonde Roots "He represented , he was the devil we knew, and in any case, if there really was an attempted "revolution" by Pa and the lads, Percy and his ilk would have all the perpetrators hung, drawn, and quartered to a man." (Evaristo, 55) often a suspect until it has been proven that he or she carried out the offense.
  • Imperceptible

    Cellular by Ellen Schwartz " The only sound is the murmur of voices in the hall, the almost imperceptible beep-beep-beep of the machines as it monitors the flow of chemicals. " (Schwartz, 42) Impossible to become aware or understand something.
  • Measly

    The Trouble with Liberty by Kristen Butcher
    "In fact, the only mention of it was a measly couple of sentences near the back." (Butcher, 52) ontemptibly small or fewc
  • Corridor

    Grind by Eric Walters "We hurried down the corridor." (Walters, 4) A long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.
  • Fiddled

    Tell by Norah McClintock "She tucked it behind her ear and fiddled with the ends of it." (McClintock, 41)
    Touching something nervously
  • Bystanders

    Jacked by Carrie Mac
    "I clap,that slow, tacky clap you see in the movies when the bystanders have to admit that the underdog has finally triumphed." (Mac 10)
    A person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.
  • Vicious

    Snitch by Norah McClintock
    " She told us that the dogs in the program weren't vicious." (McClintock 11)
    Deliberately cruel or violent
  • Murderd

    Paper Towns by John Green "
  • Simplicity

    Paper Towns " When I looked back at the house, lights were on but no one was outside yet, a testament to the brilliant simplicity of a well-vasalined doorknob" (Green 67) the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do
  • Dubiously

    Paper towns "In there?" Ben says dubiously (Green 141) the adjective dubious for something you have doubts about or you suspect is not true..
  • Slabs

    Paper Towns "Ben and Radar try to peel the slabs of particleboard from the windows, but they're all nailed shut" (Green 145) a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, or wood, typically rectangular.
  • Slack-jawed

    Paper Towns 102-193 "I was going to say something but Lacey's open mouth became slack-jawed, and she leaned her head against the cold gray tile of the bathroom wall, asleep." (Green 185)
    having the mouth open, especially as an indication of astonishment, bewilderment
  • Modulated

    Paper Towns pg 183-215 "His voice was slightly modulated but easy to understand" (Green 204)
    exert a modifying or controlling influence on.
  • Provisioned

    Paper Towns pg- 223-255 "Okay, maybe we're not that well provisioned after all" (Green 254)
    supply with food, drink, or equipment, especially for a journey.
  • Idyllic

    Paper Towns page 259-283 "Some crack in the perfectly idyllic landscape" (Green 281)
    extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
  • Voracity

    Blonde Roots
    the quality or state of being voracious."
  • nauseous

    inclined to vomit: offensive to the taste or smell.
  • Executioner

    The Watsons ""That's right ma'am. Five Forty-one is just waiting for the executioner to get home" (Curtis 91)

    an official who carries out a sentence of death on a legally condemned person.
  • Seniority

    The Watsons "Sure we'll go by seniority " (Curtis 135)
    the fact or state of being older or higher in position or status than someone else
  • Millenium

    a period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ. "Dont count on it in this millennium"
  • contemporaneity (25)

    contemporaneity (25)
    The Fault in our Stars (7-25) “Hazel Grace, could I, with my meager intellectual capacities, make up a letter from Peter Van Houten featuring phrases like ‘our triumphantly digitized contemporaneity’? " Originating, existing, or happening during the same period of time
  • Vaguely (38)

    Vaguely (38)
    The Fault in our Stars pg 27-40 "She ran in wearing a threadbare pink towel under her armpits, dripping, vaguely panicked. “What’s wrong?” " (Green 38) -in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear; roughly.
  • tentatively (52)

    tentatively (52)
    The Fault in Our Stars pg 52
    " I grabbed the lion’s-head door knocker and knocked tentatively" (Green 52)
    in a way that lacks confidence;
  • Lacquered (51)

    Lacquered (51)
    The Fault in Our Stars page 51
    took me by one arm and grabbed the oxygen cart with the other, and we walked up the three steps to the lacquered blue-black front door" (Green 51)
    a coat of liquid made of shellac dissolved in alcohol, or of synthetic substances, that dries to form a hard protective coating for wood, metal, etc
  • Luminous

    The Fault in our Stars pages 64-66 "accompanied by several
    luminous balls of fermented, bubbly plasma" (Green 64)
    • full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark.
  • Eulogy

    Paper Towns pages 62-80
    "Then I began reading from the eulogy I'd written" (Green 78)
    -speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.
  • Jagged(26)

    The Fault in Our Stars
    "We’d gone perhaps a mile in jagged silence before Augustus said, “I failed the driving test three times.”
    having rough, sharp points protruding.