
Operation System

  • No Operating System

    The earliest electronic digital systems had no operating systems.
  • New Features

    Many major features were pioneered in the field of operating systems, including batch processing, input/output interrupt, buffering, multitasking, spooling, runtime libraries, link-loading, and programs for sorting records in files
  • Features Added

    monitor programs that could automatically run different application programs in succession to speed up processing
  • SHARE Operating System developed

    SHARE Operating System was released as an integrated utility for the IBM 704, and later in the 709 and 7090 mainframes, although it was quickly supplanted by IBSYS/IBJOB on the 709, 7090 and 7094.
  • CDC

    Control Data Corporation developed the SCOPE operating system in the 1960s, for batch processing.
  • Burroughs Corporation

    Introduced the B5000 in 1961 with the MCP, (Master Control Program) operating system.
  • Control Data

    Control Data and the University of Illinois developed the PLATO operating system, which used plasma panel displays and long-distance time sharing networks. Plato was remarkably innovative for its time, featuring real-time chat, and multi-user graphical games. Burroughs Corporation introduced the B5000 in 1961 with the MCP, (Master Control Program) operating system
  • Hardware

    Several hardware capabilities evolved that allowed similar or ported software to run on more than one system.
  • University of Cali.

    University of California, Berkeley installed its first Unix system.
  • General Purpose Computers

    After programmable general purpose computers were invented, machine languages were introduced that speed up the programming process
  • Steve Jobs

    Formed NeXT Inc., a company that manufactured high-end computers running on a variation of BSD called NeXTSTEP. One of these computers was used by Tim Berners-Lee as the first webserver to create the World Wide Web.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95 was released, combining MS-DOS 7.0 with Windows on the same medium, removing the need of getting a separate MS-DOS license.
  • Mac OS X Server 1.0

    The operating system was first released in 1999 as Mac OS X Server 1.0.