
Operation Red Wings

  • Touchdown

    Operation Red Wings deploys Navy seals, Marcus Luttrell, Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz,and Matthew Axelson into the Hindu Kush mountain range where they will move to Sawtalo Sar mountain.
  • Recon and endangerment

    Recon and endangerment
    The seals perform recon on the village of Salar Ban where Ahmad Shah is working. During said recon, Afghani shepards find the Seals location and are quickly detained, yet in a hard decision are freed. The shepards immediately tell the Taliban of the Seals location, knowing this would happen the Seals try to extract, but are unable to make contact in the mountains.
  • Summit

    As Marcus and the other Seals scramble to the the summit of Mt. Sawtalo Sar to obtain a radio signal for evacuation, they are being chased by Taliban militia.
  • Failure

    After reaching the summit which they find has no potential cover, the Seals are unable to obtain a signal. After this realization, they move down the mountainside into the trees and take cover trying to formulate a new plan. By this time the Taliban has closed in on them and the seals have to think fast.
  • Death

    As the Seals try to escape the constant incoming fire from the Taliban they are forced of a side of the mountain, the problem is Danny Dietz has been mortally wounded and could not follow the others over the side. Unfortunately, however, the others were unaware of Danny's having been unable to jump and mistakenly left him there. This went against their moral code big time in the military brotherhood of leaving no man behind.
  • Last Stand

    Last Stand
    After the failed evacuation, remaining Seals Axelson and Luttrell become separated. During this time Axelson is mortally wounded and makes a last stand against a tree with his sidearm killing an estimated four taliban before ultimately running out of ammo and being killed.
  • Sacifiice

    As the remaining Seals, Michael Murphy, Matthew Axelson, and Marcus Luttrell are being continuously chased by the Taliban, Michael Murphy takes the long-distance radio and tries to make it to a large protrusion in the mountain. Here, the seals finally achieved a signal and Murphy successfully called for emergency evacuation. The problem is that the protrusion was very exposed and Murphy was killed by the Taliban.
  • Catastrophe

    After Murphy makes the call for reinforcements and evacuation, two chinook helicopters were dispatched. After arriving to the Seals location, A rocket was fired at the helicopter here it was shot through the fuselage exploding inside the helicopter resulting in the deaths of eight other seals and 8 army special forces nightstalkers.
  • Unexpected ally

    Unexpected ally
    Marcus Luttrell now remains as the lone survivor. After crawling for miles on severe injuries, Marcus finds aid in an Afghani civilian. After being taken care of for about 5 days, an Afghani man gets a message to the closest American base saving Marcus Luttrell.