Bombing of the World Trade Centers
Hate Free Zone Campaign of Washington (HFZ) established
HFZ establishes office in South Seattle, working with immigrant communities being targeted
HFZ organizes broad coalition to hold historic Justice for All hearing at Seattle Town Hall; over 1,000 diverse community members attend and over 20 testify before panel of appointed and elected officials
Hate Free Zone holds first ever meeting of immigrant rights groups with Sen. Cantwell and 40 members of the Somali, Arab, Muslim, SA, Cambodian and Latino communities
Seattle Immigrant Worker Freedom Ride, chaired by HFZ and the King County Labor Council, takes over 42 immigrants from 24 countries to tell their stories on a ten-day journey across the United States, along with immigrants from 12 cities across the countr
HFZ partners with Council on American-Islamic Relations Seattle Chapter to launch first Muslim Civic Engagement Project
HFZ holds 3rd Justice For All Hearing with Senator Patty Murray on immigration reform; over 800 attend
HFZ becomes part of national Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, representing Washington State in national debate on immigration reform
Hate Free Zone registers 12,000 new citizens to vote in Washington
Hate Free Zone registers 20,000 new citizens to vote in Washington
HFZ works successfully with Governor Chris Gregoire on immigrant integration; Gregoire signs the New Americans Executive Order establishing a policy council to provide recommendations to the Governor on immigrant integration; the State Legislature allocat
HFZ has registered over 23,000 new citizens to vote in Washington
HFZ changes its name to OneAmerica
New Americans Policy Council begins meetings to discuss immigrant integration agenda for Washington State
OneAmerica base community groups established in key communities across Washington: Vancouver, Mount Vernon, Pasco, Walla Walla, Tacoma, and White Center