Jan 10, 1275
Generaly back in the middle ages if you commited a crime or did something wrong you would be punished for it, some ways of being punished were: you could be burnt to death, placed on a rack and be stretched, boiled in a pot of oil, beaten untill you died, suffocating, whipped and many more. -
Aug 2, 1275
working hard!
back in the middle ages, if you had a job generally you would be woking hard non stop! alot of people even worked 14 hours staright. there were many, many! diffrent jobs back then, such as arming squires, leach collector and many more. -
Aug 29, 1275
Getting married back in the middle ages was a big expence, if you were getting married it would usualy be someone from your own village, but once you were married the women can not divorce the husband it could only be the men. Normally the parents would arrange everything. -
Aug 29, 1275
Back in the middle ages, animals of any kind were usually used as food, most were also used as slaves for carrying things on there back or pulling along things. Horses were used for transport, pigs were used for meat and many more. -
Aug 31, 1275
your house!
In the middle ages, houses were usually made out of stone, straw, mud and branches, not like homes these days because the didnt have the recources like we do now. lots of houses had no lights so they used a small candel in the middle of the room, and usually they would have the maximum of just two rooms. They would have very small windows with no glass in them. And generally an open fire place to keep them warm. -
Sep 18, 1275
When you think about it, back in the middle ages they didnt have very nice clothes did they? they usually wore old ratty things with holes in them, but moreof the richer people wore think leather jackets and the women wore long dresses downto there ankles.
the children usually wore the same.