one year in medieval times

  • Jan 1, 1255

    i gain a house for free

    i gain a house for free
    What were peasant’s houses like? : Peasants were at the bottom of the so called feudalism or pyramid. They had very small houses and hardly any cash, the houses were made of cheap wood and the walls were made of wattle which is a type of twigs ( small sticks ) and Daub is made from wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straws this was a paste that held the wattle together most were about 75 ft. big.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1255 to Dec 31, 1256

    one year in the medieval times

  • Mar 14, 1255

    i get a job as a leech collecter and recieve 2 tokens

    i get a job as a leech collecter and recieve 2 tokens
    What was life like being a leech collector? : being a leech collector was an extremely tough and hard job. Most workers were woman; they attracted the leeches with their bare legs and feet and then pulled them off and put them in the bucket. Some used animals to leer them in to a trap, the animal was mainly horses. Leeches were a very important role in the middle ages; the leeches were mostly given to wise woman
  • May 29, 1255

    my houses gets burnt down in a tragic accident

    my houses gets burnt down in a tragic accident
    Were there any fire brigades in the middle ages? : in the middle ages there were no fire brigades or fireman until the 17th century in most cases if a fire broke loose everything would be gone. Most of fires in the middle ages were from the kitchen and spread to the whole house and burnt everything.
  • Jul 5, 1255

    i get beaten up by drunk thugs and lose all my tokens!

    i get beaten up by drunk thugs and lose all my tokens!
    What took control of crime in the middle ages? : keeping law and order in the Middle Ages was very difficult. Every small village was told by the king or duke of the country to select a man or woman to keep order he or she was called a constable. There was not much democracy in the Middle Ages so that made a lot of people angry. In some villages they had curfews at night so that no crime would be committed at night it was around 8 to 9 that peasants has to be in there houses.
  • Sep 15, 1255

    i break a leg and miss 2 turns!

    i break a leg and miss 2 turns!
    What would happen to you if you injured yourself in the middle ages? : if you injured yourself in the middle ages you would most likely see the barber surgeon and try to decapitate the injured limb, most of the time you died from blood loss and diseases also bug infection, so if you got injured in the middle ages you would die on most cases.
  • Dec 28, 1255

    i go to live in a pigsty for a while!

    i go to live in a pigsty for a while!
    Why did some peasants live in pigsties? : Peasants that lived in pigsties were really poor or couldn’t afford a house and food. The peasants that lived there were really sick; they had diseases and infections and lived in extreme poverty! Some were slaves for the king or duke or even the priest.