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  • The Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    The Haudenosaunee confederacy was created near the mid 1600's, the confederacy was made of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and the Senecas peoples. The confederacy was created to form unity, and for their peoples to live peacefully together.
  • The Seven Year War

    The seven year war started in 1756 and ended in 1763, it was a war between Britain and France, however many allies would join the war. this was the first global war in history. The British won the war which provided enormous territorial gain, but the land that was gained was the land stolen from the first nations peoples.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The king at the time King George the third created the proclamation in order to address unauthorized settlement on indigenous lands. This represented respect for the indigenous lands and peoples, much of what was stolen was returned shortly after.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec act allowed French catholics to obtain good jobs in the government and allowed the french to have their own form of laws, separate from the British law.
  • The War of 1812

    The United States attempted to invade Canada in the area of a town called Newark, it was a site of many battles all of which ended in the United states evacuating. The Canadian troops were ambushed and outnumbered countless times however they still managed to defeat and defend every time.
  • The Oregon Boundary Dispute

    Conflict between 4 world powers who would claim "oregon country" United States, Britain, Spain, Russia were involved, on June 10th 1846 Lord Aberdeen gave it to the U.S.
  • British Columbia Gold Rush

    In 1858 gold was found in the Fraser river, which started the gold rush, thousands of people moved to British Columbia in hopes of finding gold. Colonies of europeans began to settle across the province and many took over lands of the indigenous peoples. as the gold rush came to an end companies like Hudson's bay were formed and many other forms of trades and resources were formed.
  • Chilcotin War

    In 1864 European settlers decided to build a road through the Tsilhqot'in peoples land, this road would be used during the gold rush for miners. The Tsilhqot'in peoples were mistreated and abused during the building of the roads and most of their peoples caught small pox and died during this time. The Tsilhqot'in peoples fought for their land and their peoples which infuriated the the settlers and resulted in a mass public hanging of the Tsilhqot'in chiefs.
  • Confederation of Canada

    Canada became its own nation, separate from Britain in 1867, Canada is a bi-cultural nation both French and British. Colonists began the Confederation in Ottawa Called The British North America Act, as the country developed treaties were ignored and indigenous peoples had little to no say.
  • North West Resistance

    The north west resistance was a violent insurgency against the Canadian government. The Metis fought against the government to insure security for Metis and first nations peoples, this resistance was led by Louis Riel and shorty after he was hung. these battles were long and left many who fought dead.
  • Medical Experimentation in Residential Schools

    In the mid 20th century information of nutrition was very limited and scientists were searching for ways to discover more. The Canadian government decided to take advantage of malnutritioned children in residential school and used them to test was kind of food was determined to be for nutritional than others. By doing so many children would die during this time since they were being used as a test.
  • White Paper (Trudeau Senior)

    Trudeau Senior release an Indian policy called "white paper" which was created in order to prevent first nations from having a say on their land and was in-forced to get rid of first nations peoples.
  • James Bay Agreement

    The James Bay agreement was an agreement between the Cree nation, Inuit, the Canadian Government, The Quebec government and Quebec hydro. The agreement stated that the hydro dams in James bay were to be completed and that the government would pay $225 million in compensation for the flood.
  • Treaty of Washington

    A treaty was signed between the Canadian government and the United States government. The treaty was created to authorize the United States to fish for albacore tuna in Canadian waters.
  • Gustafsen Lake Standoff

    The Gustafsen lake standoff began in august of 1995, the conflict lasted until September of 1995. The Gustafsen Lake aboriginal territory was being taken over by non- aboriginal peoples, which resulted in a 45 minute gun fight between the RCMP and aboriginal sun dancers.