One Of Us Is Lying Timeline

  • The Five Kids Are Sent To Detention

    Bronwyn, Cooper, Nate, Addy, and Simon are all sent to detention after Mr. Avery discovers phones that do not belong to them hidden in their backpacks.
  • Simon Dies

    Simon dies after taking a drink from a glass of water somehow tainted with peanut oil. He suffers an allergic reaction and later dies in the hospital. No one could find any EpiPens in time. None in the nurse's office or in his backpack.
  • Police Begin To Suspect Foul Play

    After looking into it deeper, the Bayview police begin to suspect foul play involving Simon's death - investigating how peanut oil could've gotten onto the cup that Simon drank from. After meeting each one at Simon's funeral service, the police begin to suspect the Bayview Four as murder suspects.
  • Mysterious Tumblr Post

    An unknown 3rd party begins posting to a Tumblr account, mentioning how they got the idea to kill Simon from an episode of Dateline. Police's suspicions about a murder are confirmed true.
  • Unreleased "About That" Post

    Police uncover an unreleased post for About That, detailing different secrets/rumors about the Bayview Four - Bronwyn cheating in chemistry, Cooper taking steroids, Nate selling drugs while on parole, and Addy cheating on Jake with TJ Forrester. Police now consider the unreleased post as a motive to kill Simon.
  • Deleted Post About Cooper

    Police found and decrypted a post about Cooper detailing his secret gay affair with Kris. Police are now considering Cooper a prime suspect due to this specific post getting deleted and replaced with the false steroids allegation.
  • Tumblr Inconsistency

    Another Tumblr post is released - mentioning how the police investigations were getting "cliche." Then, surprisingly, it mentions how the cops were even eating donuts. However - this was false. Addy only told this to Jake as a joke. Suspicions now shift to Jake as the Tumblr poster.
  • Addy Meets With Janae

    Addy, concerned with Janae's disappearance from school, goes to visit her at her home. It's revealed that Jake and Simon organized the entire fiasco and was blackmailing Janae into helping and threatened to pin the whole thing on her if she revealed the truth or backed out.
  • Jake Is Found Out

    After Jake came over to speak with Janae and found Addy hiding out, he chased her outside into the woods. Once catching up with her, he beat her to the point of near death - strangling her and bashing her head against a rock. Cooper had heard her cries for help and ended up saving her by hooking a punch into Jake and knocking him off of her.
  • The Truth Revealed

    The truth about Simon's death being a suicide and Jake helping cover everything up is revealed. Nate is released from jail. Jake is arrested.