1950s-1980s Timeline

  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil rights protest during segregation on buses. African Americans refused to ride on buses to protest segregated seating. it took place from December 5, 1955 to December 20, 1965.
  • Start of the Vietnam War

    Start of the Vietnam War
    A brutal war that started on November 1, 1955- April 30, 1975. the countries that were involved in the Vietnam War where the U.S, France, China, The Soviet Union, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and North Korea.
  • Emergence of the Little Rock Nine

    Emergence of the Little Rock Nine
    Melba Pattillo Beals, Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Carlotta Walls LaNeir, Thelma Mothershed, and Terrence Roberts. Those where the teens who fought through crowds just to try to attend a school. they fought through crowds screaming obcenities and throughing things at them just because of their skin. even after the brutal battle, they weren't even let into the school.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    50 years ago on November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy was shot in the back of his Lincoln Continental car by Lee Harvard Oswald. this event happened during the Presidential Motarcade in Dallas.
  • Brown vs Board of Education March on Washington

    Brown vs Board of Education March on Washington
    The Supreme Courts decision in Brown vs Board of Education came after a hard fought, multi-year campaign to persuade all nine justices to re-think the " Separate but Equal " slogan. this put a major boost to the civil rights campaign to potential help later down the line.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson's transition to President

    Lyndon B. Johnson's transition to President
    Lyndon B. Johnson's transition to president occurred on November 22, 1963 following the Assassination John F. Kennedy. he was also known for helping shape the civil rights legacy.
  • Civil Rights Passed

    Civil Rights Passed
    On July 2, 1964, o of the biggest steps towards racial equality had just been signed. The Civil Rights law helped people of color be able to live in the same conditions as white people. Civil rights are rights that everyone is born with, and they can't be taken away.
  • The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights Movement was a big step for African Americans and their rights. A civil right is right that you have under the law no matter your race, religion or other Characteristics. the Civil Rights Movement for African Americans to gain equal rights under the law.
  • Start of the Black Panther Party

    Start of the Black Panther Party
    The Black Panther Party was an African American revolutionary organisation that was formed in 1966. the main goal of the organisation was to patrol black neighborhoods from police brutality. The group also made medical clinics, fed children and protested for guns to all African Americans.
  • Muhammad Ali Refuses to Fight in the Vietnam War.

    Muhammad Ali Refuses to Fight in the Vietnam War.
    on April 28, 1967, After his match against Foley, Muhammad received news that he would be drafted for the Vietnam War. Ali refused to fight because of his religion.
  • Martin Luther Kings Assassination

    Martin Luther Kings Assassination
    At 6:05 pm on April 4, 1968, Martin Luther Kings Jr was shot from his second floor hotel room balcony at Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee by James Earl Ray. The news of his death spread like wild fire throughout the nation causing more racial outbreaks. Martin Luther King was racial activist and held marches, protests, fought for black rights, and generally helped the Civil Rights movement leap forward.
  • James Brown's Say it Loud, I'm Black and I am Proud Release

    James Brown's Say it Loud, I'm Black and I am Proud Release
    Say it Loud - I'm Black and I am Proud is a funk song produced by James Brown and written by his band leader, Alfred " Pee Wee " Ellis in August 1968. It was released as a two-part single which held the number-one spot on the R&B singles chart for six weeks, and finally peeked at the number ten spot on the Billboard Hot 100.
  • Bobby Hutton Assassination

    Bobby Hutton Assassination
    Bobby Hutton was the first recruit to join the Black Panther Party. He was 16 years old and still led 26 Black Panthers in a march in the state capitol in Sacramento to protest the new gun bill but all were arrested. Bobby Hutton was later killed during a shoot out with Police in Oakland.
  • The End of the Vietnam War

    The End of the Vietnam War
    Having rebuilt their forces and upgraded the logistics system, North Vietnamese forces triggered a major offensive in the Central Highlands in March 1975. on April 30, 1975, NVA tanks rolled through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon, effectively ending the war.