
By ms6080
  • first concentration camp

    first concentration camp
  • world war two began

    world war two began
  • Period: to

    World war two started

  • germany invades france

    germany invades france
  • felix is in the orphanage

    felix is in the orphanage
    felix sees the nazis buruning the books
  • finding felixes parents

    finding felixes parents
    felix follows a river and sees the water turningred and hears gun shots
  • felix almost gets shot

    felix almost gets shot
    felix see army trucks filled with people and dosnt know why they are i there and a nazi tryes to shot him.
  • felix meets zelda

    felix meets zelda
    felix sees smoke nd goes to go see what it is and he sees its a house on fire and he goes to go see if anyone is alive and he sees a little girl and two dead parents.
  • felix and zelda are going to consontraion camps

    felix and zelda are going to consontraion camps
    felix takes care of zelds and they get foud by german soldiers and get put in a group of other jews walking to a consontration camp
  • felix and zelda get saved

    felix and zelda get saved
    felix and zelda get saved by a man right when they were camp about to go in the camp.
  • felix and zelda meet barney and kids

    felix and zelda meet barney and kids
    barney took them in to a celler to hide . also in the celler there are other jewish kids
  • felix helps barney

    felix helps barney
    felix goes with barney out of the seller to help him with his job.
    barney is a dentist and when he drills on the nazis teeth felix tells them storys to help it not feel so bad because they didnt have any pain medacation
  • zelda is sick,felix to the rescue

    zelda is sick,felix to the rescue
    zelda has a relly hight fever and can wake up so felix goes out to get medaction for her and he falls asleep reading a book in an appartment and wakes up and gets caught
  • secret celler found

    secret celler found
    all the kds and barney get caught and get sent to a train to the holecost

    people start kicking a hole in the train and jump out zelda and felix do that but barney and the other kids stay behind . felix is alive and so is zelda and they dont get caught
  • ann frank

    ann frank
    annfrank and her family were hiddin in a secret appartment behind her fathers business.

    hitler commited suicide witha gun