On the Road to Civil War

By Pie258
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    1. This document sealed America's fate in the idea that they will be a free nation and not under British Rule.
    2. Origional document said that all slaves were free however, when it was published that was neglected.
    3. Unified the colonies however it also would begin to divide over time.
  • Period: to

    On the Road to Civil War

  • Constitution

    1. Would be a center point of division between Anti-Federalists and Federalists.
    2. A loose interpretation would develope with the Anti-Federalists.
    3. A strict interpretation of the constitution with a strong central government through the Federalists.
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    Ratification of the Bill of Rights
    1. This document was made to ensure the rights of all American Citizens
    2. This document did not mention the rights of slaves as American Citizens
    3. This document also gave the American People many unalienable rights.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    1. This gave power to the states that are not delegated to the federal government.
    2. The Anti-Federalists would enjoy this as it gave the people more power.
    3. The Federsalist would have quarrels with this amendment as it did not give the government more power.
  • Sedition Acts

    Sedition Acts
    1. These acts would give the president a large amount of power to decide whether something was treasonous or not.
    2. Passed to help quell Anti-Federalists.
    3. Caused an uproar in the Anti-Federalists.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolution

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
    1. Passed in response to the Sedition Acts.
    2. One of the first tastes in States Rights.
    3. These acts would show that the Fedral Government can have its acts repealed by states.
  • MIssouri Compromise

    MIssouri Compromise
    1. This compromise would cut of a portion of Texas above the 36' 30'.
    2. This would forbid slavery in the west above the 36' 30' line.
    3. Missouri would still have slavery yet all other areas above the line will not in the west.
  • Tariff of Abomination

    Tariff of Abomination
    1. This was a series of tariffs that would heavily hurt merchants throughout the nation.
    2. This tariff benefited Unions and the Federal government yet not the common merchant.
    3. This legislation protected Northern Industry at the cost of the South and would be another seed for war.
  • State Versus Federal Rights

    State Versus Federal Rights
    1. State Rights is the idea that the states have more power that the federal government
    2. Federal rights is the idea that the federal government is the largest government and has the most rights.
    3. These two view points would eventually lead to war.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    1. Nat Turner and his followers killed 55 to 65 whites including women and children.
    2. This would increase the strict rules and regulation on slavery in the south so that this incident would never happen again.
    3. Shortly after the rebellion local militias killed 100-200 blacks suspected of helping in the rebellion.
  • Nullification

    1. This was the first form of thinking for secession and it originated in the state of South Carolina.
    2. South Carolina would call on this and threaten to secede from the union nullifying all federal laws.
    3. Jackson would then send troops to South Carolina to collect tariff money.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    1. This was brought about by new inventions comeing about that helped speed up production of items.
    2. Hard Rubber would come and would soon be in almost every item in America.
    3. Interchangeable parts would also speed up the way in which things were produced.
  • Agrarian versus Industrial

    Agrarian versus Industrial
    1. Agrarian Societies were mainly in the south and beleaved in farms being the main source of income.
    2. Industrial societies wer mainly in the north and though that factories were the main source of income and the best.
    3. Agrarian societies would send raw materials to the northern industrial society to make factory goods.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    1. This allowed American forces to more easily move through Texas and into Mexico.
    2. America gained more land through this and more manpower for the war.
    3. With a larger land mass manifest destiny was continuing to expand.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    1. America went to war due to Americans being killed outside a fort built near the Rio Grande
    2. America was able to defeat Mexican forced due to the excellent leadership of the Army.
    3. America gained half of Mexico after the War.
  • Comprimise of 1850

    Comprimise of 1850
    1. Diffused the issue of whether the state acquired from the Mexican-American War would be free or slave.
    2. Was composed of multiple bills.
    3. One of the bills was an new version of the Fugitive Slave Act
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    1. This allowed for bounty hunters to come into the north and take free black men who were suspected of being a slave back to the south.
    2. Many in Baltimore would protest this by trying to protect blacks.
    3. Bounty hunters would stop at nothing to make a profit on the slaves
  • Fugitive Slave Laws

    Fugitive Slave Laws
    1. These laws that were passed made it so that a former slave in the North could be brought down south by a bounty hunter.
    2. Many in Baltimore would protest these acts.
    3. Some Southern plantation owners would use this to take back former slaves.
  • Wage versus Slave

    Wage versus Slave
    1. Wage slaves are those who are bound to a factory and can not leave it.
    2. Some believed that being a wage slave was worse than being a slave because you had freedom prior and now are in a type of bondage.
    3. Slaves had no idea of freedom if they were born into the system opposed to wage slaves.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    1. Was written by a white woman who had never been in slavery.
    2. This book was banned in many places in the south due too it's propaganda purpose.
    3. Many copies were sold in England making it one of the most popular books.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    1. This act would allow the two states to vote on whether or not they would be free or slave.
    2. This would result in both sides sending many people into Kansas to sway the vote.
    3. As a result of this Bleeding Kansas would ensue.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    1. This was an unofficial war that occurred in Kansas due to massive amount of of exremist from both sides flooding the state.
    2. Towns would be burned in this violent war and many killed.
    3. John brown would get one of his first tastes of violence in this conflict
  • Brooks attacks Sumner

    Brooks attacks Sumner
    1. Brooks violently assaulted Sumner leaving Sumner with permanent disabilities
    2. Brooks was not charged for the crime.
    3. Sumner was awarded a seat in the senate as a seat of honor.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    1. This stated that a negro who was born in the US and who's family had came as slaves could not be a US citizen.
    2. This would further cause a drift in the United States.
    3. It also states that a Negor can not sue for his freedom.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    1. These debates were very civil and showed that two parties could debate in peace.
    2. During the debate both sides discussed intense social issues.
    3. Ethical discussions were a prime topic during the debates.,
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    Raid on Harper's Ferry
    1. John Brown would attack the arsenal at Harper's Ferry and seize the armory.
    2. Robert E. Lee. would lead a detachment of marines to capture Brown and his followers.
    3. Brown was hanged shortly after his capture for treason.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    1. In this election Lincoln would win the Elctoral vote and become president of the United States.
    2. His election would upset many in the south
    3. Not one state in the south voted for Lincoln so they felt as if they had a just cause for secession.
  • South Carolinas Secession

    South Carolinas Secession
    1. South Carolina will secede due to Lincoln's Electoin.
    2. This was the first of many states to take such actions.
    3. With this the Confederate States of America was formed
  • Fort Sumter Fired Upon

    Fort Sumter Fired Upon
    1. Multiple requests for the fort to be abandoned were sent by South Carolina.
    2. The fort did not surrender and was then bombarded.
    3. The fort then surrendered with no casualties coming inside the fort.
    4. The Civil War begins.