South Africa Omicron Heating Up
Who:South African civilians
When:November 17
What:South Africa got the new Omicron Variant.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because this is when and where omicron started. -
Omicron Is Taking Over South Africa
Who:South Africa
When:December 31, 2021
What:Omicron variant is heating up fast in South Africa.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because omicron is getting out of control. -
Omicron Is Subsiding In South Africa
Who:South African Civilians
When:January 2, 2022
What:Omicron is subsiding in South Africa.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because this is where Omicron started. -
Omicron May End In South Africa
Who:South African Civilians
When:January 7, 2022
What:Omicron is almost out of South Africa.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is good because this is the epicenter for where it started. -
Omicron Almost Out Of South Africa Makes People Opitmistic
Who:Countries affected by omicron.
When:January 9, 2022
What:Omicron is almost out of South Africa which is making people optimistic.
Where:South Africa and countries affected by omicron.
Why: -
South African Studies Suggest Omicron Has Higher 'Asymptomatic Carriage"
Who:South African scientist.
When:January 11, 2022
What:Studies show that Omicron is way more contagious.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because we are still learning about omicron and any information is good. -
Studies Show Omicron Is Even Less Serve For Unvaccinated
Who:Unvaccinated and Scientists.
When:January 14, 2022
What:Studies have shown that omicron is less serve for even the unvaccinated.
Where:Countries affected by omicron.
Why:This is important because it means even the unvaccinated don't really have to worry about it also. -
U.K and South African Scientists Investigate How Deadly Omicron Is
Who:U.K and South African Scientists
When:January 14, 2022
What:Omicron has spread a lot but isn't nearly as deadly as other variants.
Where:U.K and South Africa
Why:This is important because it may spread a lot but isn't as deadly. -
Omicron Variant In South Africa Over
Who:South African Civilians
When:January 19, 2022
What:Omicron variant is over is South Africa after it started about 2 months ago.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because being the place that first had and now not having it is a major step. -
South Africa Omicron News May Help The U.S
Who:U.S Civilians
When:January 20, 2022
What:News from South Africa may help the U.S with its omicron crisis.
Why:This is important because omicron is a big issue in the United States. -
The Effect Omicron Had On South Africa
Who:South African Civilians
When:January 22, 2022
What:South Africa was effect by omicron by store owners not making money.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because this may effect other countries like this. -
Scientist find Vaccines Less Effective In South Africa
Who:South African Civilians and Scientist
When:January 26, 2022
What:The vaccine was found less effective in South Africa.
Where:South Africa, Africa
Why:This is important because this means South African civilians are more likely to get and or die from covid. -
Second Version Of Omicron
Who:People in Europe and Asia.
When:January 27, 2022
What:There is a second version of the omicron spreading in parts of Europe and Asia.
Where:Europe and Asia
Why:This is important because another wave of COVID is only gonna lead to more deaths. -
Omicron Is Losing Grip But Pandemic Has Not Ended
Who:Everyone affected by omicron.
When:January 27, 2022
What:Omicron is dying down a lot but isn't over yet.
Where:Everywhere affected by omicron.
Why:This is important because omicron is almost over but the pandemic isn't. -
New Subvariant Of Omicron
Who:People in parts of Europe
When:January 27, 2022
What:A new subvariant of Omicron has appeared in parts of Europe.
Where:Parts of Europe
Why:This is important because a new variant could lead to another crisis again.