RCW 35.81: Community Renewal Law established
Olympia City Council Initated Direction on a CRA
Hugh Spitzer's White Paper Land Assembly and Financing for Community Renewal Projects: A Handbook is presented to the Olympia City Council
Steve Buxbaum is elected Mayor of Olympia
Buxbaum replaces former Mayor Doug Mah. Buxbaum offically starts as Mayor in January 2012. -
Olympia City Council moves forward on the CRA and to select consultants
The Olympia City Council approves the 2013 Requests for Qualifications (RFQs)
Olympia works on a feasibility study
This fesability study was aimed at assessing the technical and political feasibility of community renewal in downtown. -
Mayor Bauxbuam reviewed the five CRA properties of interest
The five properties of ineterest include the Reliable Steel, the former Thurston County Housing Authroity Building, Capitol Center, the former health Department building, and Griswold's. -
CRA design scenarios are submitted to the City Council
2014-2015 CRATimeline Options are submitted to the City Council
Downtown CRA plan submitted to the Olympia City Council
Olympia City Council decides to have the CAC have recorded meetings for them to listen or view
Olympia CRA Public Hearing
Requests for qualifications and proposals approved
Proposed action. -
Final Proposal Due