
Olmec/Maya Timeline

  • 11,000 BCE

    Early Settlers

    Early Settlers
    The first hunter-gatherers begin exploring the Mayan lands
  • 2600 BCE

    The Maya Civilization Begins

    The Maya Civilization Begins
    The first Mayans begin to form a civilization
  • 700 BCE

    Early Writing

    Early Writing
    Maya script was considered to be some of the oldest and most advanced writing in Mesoamerica
  • 400 BCE

    Solar Calendar

    Solar Calendar
    Mayans begin using solar calendars carved in stone
  • 300 BCE


    The Mayans develop their own hierarchy with kings and nobles
  • 400

    Teotihuacan Domination

    Teotihuacan Domination
    The Teotihuacan domination slows the flow of language, trade and culture in some parts of the Mayan highlands.
  • 683

    The Death Of Emperor Pacal

    The Death Of Emperor Pacal
    Emperor Pacal of Maya dies at the age of 80
  • 750


    The Maya city of Tikal gets many new residents from Teotihuacan which enrich the culture with their culture like new ideas involving weapons, captives, rituals, and human sacrifice.
  • 751

    Deterioration of Mayan Alliances

    Deterioration of Mayan Alliances
    Mayan alliances break down and interstate trade falls as interstate conflict rises
  • 869

    Decline in Tikal

    Decline in Tikal
    Construction ceases in Tikal marking the decline of the city
  • 899

    The Fall of Tikal

    The Fall of Tikal
    Tikal is falls and is abandoned
  • 1517

    The Spanish Arrival

    The Spanish Arrival
    The Spanish arrived in Yucatán and bring with them diseases like smallpox, influenza, and the measles which kill off 90 percent of the population