Olivia Whitney Acts timeline

  • Navigation Acts of the 1650's

    Navigation Acts of the 1650's
    This act prevented the colonists form sending certain projects, such as sugar or tobacco. The colonists could only buy from the British Merchants. This caused the colonists to start smuggling things in so they wouldn't have to pay the harsh tax. This also made it easier for the British Merchants to raise their prices , because the colonists will have to buy from them.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This set the Applachian Mountains as the temporary western boundary for the colonies. This mad the colonists mad because they had already bought land west of this boundary and now they can not use and/or have it.
  • Sugar Act 1764

    Sugar Act 1764
    This act lowered the tax on molasses, also let officers seize goods from smugglers without going to court. This then made the colonists angry because they belived that these actions violated their rights.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    This act placed a tax on a legal documents. All printed material had to have a stamp, so this way the had to pay for the stamp before they could send the document. THese things included letters, newspapers, wills, and even playing cards. This taxed the colonists even more, and made then upset. It taxed the colonists without their consept and Parliament had interfered in colonial affairs by taxing the colonies directly.
  • Townshend Acts 1767

    Townshend Acts 1767
    This means new taxes would only apply to imported goods such as glass,tea,and paper. With the tax being paid at the port of entry. By now any tax made the colonists mad. They believed that only their own representaives had the right to tax them. The colonists started a boycott.
  • Tea Act 1773

    Tea Act 1773
    This law allowed the company a virtual monoply of the trade for tea in the America.This act let the company sell tea directly to shopkeepers and pass colonial merchants. Colonial merchants called for a new boycott, colonists vowed to stop East India Company's ships from unloading.
  • Coerive Acts 1774 (Intolerable Acts)

    Coerive Acts 1774 (Intolerable Acts)
    These were intended to punish the people of Massachusetts for their resistance to British law. The colonist once again thought this act violated their rights as English Citizens. These rights including no quatering of troops in private homes and no standing army in peacetime.
  • Quebec Acts 1774

    Quebec Acts 1774
    These acts set up a goverenment for Quebec it also gave Quebec the area west of the Applachian north of the Ohio river. The colonists expressed their feelings in their name for the new acts - The" Intolerable Acts."
  • Decaratory Act 1766

    Decaratory Act 1766
    This act is when Parliament passed a law that said Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for the British Colonies "in all case". The colonies did not respond to this well because they felt like it violated their rights as BRitish colonies.