El ingles como unica opcion

History of English

  • 410

    Anglo - Saxon

    Anglo - Saxon
    The English languaje begins with the phrase 'Up yours, Caesar'
  • 450

    The Angles and Saxon

    The Angles and Saxon
    The Angles and Saxons gave us the term Anglo Saxon.
    the Anglo - Saxon was musch useful as it was mainly words for simple evey day things like 'house, woman, loaf and worewolf'. Four of days were named in honour of Anglon - Saxon Gods.
  • 597

    Christian Misionaries

    Christian Misionaries
    Christian Misionaries stole in bringing wiht them leafletes about jumble sales and more latin. Christianity was a hit with the locals.
    The new words in latin were 'martyr, bishop and font'.
  • 800

    The Vikings came

    The Vikings came
    The Vikings came with their action-human words like 'drag, ransack, fast and die'
  • 1066

    William the Conqueror

    William the Conqueror
    William the Conqueror invades England the bringing new concepts like the French language, the Doomsday book and the duty-free Gauloise multi-pack.
  • 1066

    The Normand conquest

    The Normand conquest
    French was rigour for all official bussines with words like 'judge (1290), jury (1400), evidence (1300) and justice (1154)'.
    Latin was still used at nauseam in church, but common man spoke English.
    Wors like 'cow, sheep and swine´come from the english-speaking farmers, while 'beef, mutton and pork' come french-speaking.
    English absorbed about 10 000 new words from the Normands.
  • 1564


    Abouth 2000 words and phrases were invented by William Shakespeare, he gave us handy words like ' eyeball, puppy dog, anchovy, dauntless, besmirch, lacklustre, alligator and others more.
    Shakespeare´s poetry showed the world that English was a rich, vibrant languaje with emotional power.
  • The king James Bible

    The king James Bible
    Sullivan went the extra mile to make King James translation all things to all men.
    King James Bible begat a whole glossary of metaphor end morality that still shapes de way Enghish is spoken today.
  • The English of Sciencie

    The English of Sciencie
    Before the 17th Century scienctists weren´t really recognised. Suddenly Britain was full of physicists like Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton.
    The Royal Society was formed out of the invisible college.
    At first the worked in Latin. Throught Newton´s story about the 'Ponum' falling to the 'terra' from the 'Arbor'. They all spoke English could transform our understanting of the universe much quicker.
  • The English of Sciencie

    The English of Sciencie
    The scientists sunddely became aware of the human body coining new words like 'cardiac, tonsil, ovary, sternum, penis, vagina and clitoris.
  • English and Empire 1583 - 1914

    English and Empire 1583 - 1914
    Britain in your tour descubred the barbecue, the canoe also brought back the word 'cannibal'.
    In India there was something for everyone 'Yoga'.
    In Africa they picked up words like 'vodoo and zombie'.
    From Austrlia English took the words ' nugget, boomerang and walkabout'.
    The British Empire leaving new varieties of English.
  • The Age of the Diccionary

    The Age of the Diccionary
    Along came a new breed of men called lexicographers like Dr. Johnson whose Dictionary of the English Languaje took him nine year to write.
  • The Oxford English Dictionary

    The Oxford English Dictionary
    In 1857 a new book was started that would become the Oxford English Dictionary , it took another seventy to be finished.
  • American English

    American English
    From the moment Brits first laden in American they needed names for all the new plants an animals so they borrowed words like 'racoon, squash and moose' from the natives Americans, the Dutch shared the wors 'coleslaw and cookies'.
    The Italians arriven with 'pizza and pasta'.
    America espread a new languaje of capitalism.
  • Internet English

    Internet English
    The first email was sent, soon the internet arrived: a free global space to share information, ideas and amusing pictures.
  • Global English

    Global English
    In the 1500 yars since the Romans left Britain English has shown a ability to absorb, evolve and invade. Right now 1.5 billion people speak English of these about a quarter are native speakers. There´s 'Hindglish' which is Hindi English, 'Chinglish´wich is Chinese English and 'Shinglish' wich is Singaporean English.
  • Reference:

    The Open University. (2011). History of English (combined). [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/H3r9bOkYW9s
  • Student:

    Olivia Rojas