Because machines took over Britain Britain got richer but not everyone because no one worked in places -
The land
They called Tasmania van diemens land but know known as Tasmania -
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Industrial revolution
Technology took over Britain causing people losing jobs.loys of people were cramped in houses and people had to steal to live -
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The machines
The machines lost people's jobs that was bad for the people but for the business owner is is very good they will probably get more money and they won't have to pay there workers so they make more money -
Captain James cook
Captain James cook had to find land because America refused to take in any more convicts so captain James cook -
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First fleet
First fleet was when England wanted to raid Botany Bay so the aborigines fought back but England won -
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Full jails
jails got full because there were more convicts in Britain and then Britain went to America to give them convicts but America said no so Britain went find more land so they found NewSouth Wales -
Captain Arthur Phillip
Captain Auther Phillip arrived in Sydney cove in 1778 -
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Captain Auther Phillip
Captain Auther Phillip was the commander of the first fleet of 11 ships and sailed into Botany Bay -
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American Cival war
The American Cival war was a Cival war fought to 1861 to 1865 to determine the integrity of the United States of America as it defeated the independence by the breakaway confederate states of America