Old Testament Timeline

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Post-flood - Early Bronze

    Archeological Eras
  • Period: 2166 BCE to 1991 BCE


    The Patriarchs
  • 2100 BCE

    Antediluvian times

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament The beginning of this time is unknown. ?-2100 BC
  • Period: 2100 BCE to 1800 BCE

    Patriarchal period

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • 2091 BCE

    The call of Abraham

    Key dates
  • Period: 2066 BCE to 1886 BCE


    The Patriarchs
  • Period: 2006 BCE to 1859 BCE


    The Patriarchs
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1550 BCE

    Middle Bronze Era

    Archeological Eras
  • Period: 1961 BCE to 1806 BCE


    The Patriarchs
  • Period: 1876 BCE to 1446 BCE

    Egyptian sojourn

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Late Bronze Era

    Archeological Eras
  • 1446 BCE

    The Exodus

    Key dates
  • Period: 1446 BCE to 1406 BCE

    Wilderness sojourn

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 1406 BCE to 1350 BCE


    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 1350 BCE to 1080 BCE

    The judges

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 900 BCE

    Iron I Era

    Archeological Eras
  • Period: 1080 BCE to 1055 BCE


    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 1051 BCE to 931 BCE

    United monarchy

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 1050 BCE to 1010 BCE

    Rule of Saul

    United Monarchy
  • Period: 1010 BCE to 970 BCE

    Rule of David

    United Monarchy
  • 1000 BCE

    The beginning of the reign of David

    Key dates
  • Period: 970 BCE to 931 BCE

    Rule of Solomon

    United Monarchy
  • Period: 931 BCE to 722 BCE

    Israel and Judah

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament -Divided monarchy 931-586
  • Period: 931 BCE to 586 BCE

    Divided monarchy

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • Period: 931 BCE to 586 BCE


    The Divided Kingdom
  • Period: 931 BCE to 722 BCE


    The Divided Kingdom
  • Period: 900 BCE to 586 BCE

    Iron II Era

    Archeological Eras
  • 722 BCE

    The fall of Samaria (Israel)

    Key dates
  • Period: 722 BCE to 586 BCE

    Judah alone

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
    -Divided monarchy 931-586
  • 612 BCE

    The fall of Ninevah

    Key dates
  • 604 BCE

    The battle of Carchemish

    Key dates
  • 586 BCE

    The fall of Jerusalem

    key dates
  • Period: 586 BCE to 332 BCE

    Iron III Era 586-332

    Archeological Eras
  • Period: 586 BCE to 538 BCE

    Babylonian exile

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament
  • 539 BCE

    The fall of Babylon/Decree of Cyrus

    Key dates
  • Period: 539 BCE to 330 BCE

    Return and restoration

    Historical Eras of the Old Testament