Period: 3300 BCE to 2000 BCE
Early Bronze Age
Period: 2010 BCE to 1630 BCE
Egyptian Middle Kingdom
Period: 2000 BCE to 1550 BCE
Middle Bronze Age
1900 BCE
Period: 1550 BCE to 1200 BCE
Late Bronze Age
1446 BCE
The Exodus
Period: 1400 BCE to 1050 BCE
The Judges
The judges ruled Israel around 1400-1050 BC -
1350 BCE
Period: 1200 BCE to 930 BCE
Iron Age I
1050 BCE
Saul's Kingship
Reigned 1050-1010 BC -
1010 BCE
David's Kingship
Reigned 1010-970 BC -
970 BCE
Solomon's Kingship
Reigned 970-930 BC -
930 BCE
Division of the Kingdom
Period: 930 BCE to 539 BCE
Iron Age II
790 BCE
Uzziah's Kingship
Reigned 790-740 BC -
767 BCE
Prophesied 767-753 BC -
Period: 745 BCE to 612 BCE
Assyrian Empire
740 BCE
Ministered/prophesied 740-681 BC -
722 BCE
Fall of Israel
715 BCE
Hezekiah's Kingship
Reigned 715-686 BC -
663 BCE
Ministered/prophesied 663-612 BC -
640 BCE
Josiah's Kingship
Reigned 640-609 BC -
627 BCE
Ministered/prophesied 627-586 BC -
Period: 625 BCE to 539 BCE
Babylonian Empire
605 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar's Kingship
Reigned 605-562 BC -
605 BCE
Prophesied/served 605-539 BC -
Period: 605 BCE to 538 BCE
Babylonian Exile
593 BCE
Ministered/prophesied 593-571 BC -
586 BCE
Fall of Judah
Period: 559 BCE to 424 BCE
Persian Empire
Period: 539 BCE to 332 BCE
Iron Age III
538 BCE
Edict of Cyrus
520 BCE
Haggai prophesied around 520 BC -
458 BCE
Led a group of Israelites back from captivity around 458 BC -
445 BCE
Led a group back to Israel around 445 BC and rebuilt the walls.