4000 BCE
Fall of Man
4000 BCE
Period: 4000 BCE to 1806 BCE
Genesis (Main Characters: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph)
Period: 4000 BCE to 2091 BCE
2500 BCE
The Flood
2500 BCE
Noah Covenant
2100 BCE
Tower of Babel
2100 BCE
Job's Suffering and Faith
Period: 2091 BCE to 1806 BCE
2081 BCE
Abrahamic Covenant
1926 BCE
Abraham Called
1898 BCE
Joseph Sold Into Slavery
Period: 1896 BCE to 1716 BCE
1875 BCE
Joseph Brings His Family to Egypt
Period: 1800 BCE to 1445 BCE
Exodus (Main Characters: Moses and Joshua)
Period: 1800 BCE to 1075 BCE
Exodus/ Conquest/ Judges
1600 BCE
Israelites Oppressed by Pharaoh
1446 BCE
The 10 Plagues
1446 BCE
Israelites Leave Egypt
1446 BCE
Israelites at Mt. Sinai
1446 BCE
Mosaic Covenant
1446 BCE
God Gives Moses the 10 Commandments
Period: 1445 BCE to 1407 BCE
Numbers (Main Character: Moses)
Period: 1445 BCE to 1445 BCE
Leviticus (Main Character: Moses)
Period: 1407 BCE to 1406 BCE
1406 BCE
Jericho is Conquered by Israelites
Period: 1406 BCE to 1375 BCE
Joshua (Main Character: Joshua)
1399 BCE
Land is Distributed Among the Tribes
Period: 1375 BCE to 1169 BCE
Judges (Main Characters: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson)
1374 BCE
Israel Rebuked and Defeated
1374 BCE
Israelites Capture Jerusalem
1235 BCE
Deborah and Barak
1169 BCE
Gidean and the Midianites
1140 BCE
Ruth Marries Boaz
Period: 1140 BCE to 1140 BCE
Period: 1100 BCE to 1010 BCE
1 Samuel (Main Characters: Samuel, Saul, and David
Period: 1100 BCE to 609 BCE
Monarchy/ Divided Kingdom
1090 BCE
Israel Oppressed by the Philistines
1075 BCE
Samson and Delilah
1070 BCE
Battle of Shiloh
1043 BCE
Saul Becomes King
1024 BCE
David Kills Goliath
1024 BCE
Samuel Anoints David at Bethlehem
1011 BCE
Samuel Dies
1010 BCE
Saul and His Sons Die in Battle
1010 BCE
David Made King Over Israel
Period: 1010 BCE to 930 BCE
1003 BCE
Genealogies of the Israelites
Period: 1003 BCE to 538 BCE
1 Chronicles
1000 BCE
Davidic Covenant
1000 BCE
993 BCE
David and Bathsheba
990 BCE
Solomon is Born
Period: 971 BCE to 1011 BCE
2 Samuel
Period: 971 BCE to 586 BCE
2 Chronicles
970 BCE
David's Last Day
Period: 970 BCE to 853 BCE
1 Kings
966 BCE
The Temple is Built
966 BCE
God's Covenant with Solomon
950 BCE
Solomon's Song of Songs
950 BCE
The Proverbs of Solomon
Period: 950 BCE to 950 BCE
Song of Songs
946 BCE
The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
937 BCE
Ecclesiastes Words of the Preacher
Period: 937 BCE to 937 BCE
931 BCE
Solomon's Death
931 BCE
The Kingdom is Divided
930 BCE
Rehoboam's Reign Over Judah
874 BCE
Ahab's Wicked Reign
863 BCE
Elijah on Mt. Carmel
858 BCE
Elisha Called
853 BCE
The Vision of Obadiah
Period: 853 BCE to 586 BCE
2 Kings
Period: 853 BCE to 853 BCE
851 BCE
Elijah taken up to Heaven
849 BCE
The Healing of Naaman
835 BCE
Josiah Reigns Well
835 BCE
The Word of the Lord to Joel
Period: 835 BCE to 835 BCE
766 BCE
The Words of Amos
Period: 766 BCE to 766 BCE
760 BCE
Jonah Sent to Ninevah
Period: 760 BCE to 760 BCE
753 BCE
Hosea's Prophecies
Period: 753 BCE to 753 BCE
739 BCE
Isaiah's Vision and Commission
Period: 739 BCE to 701 BCE
735 BCE
The Word of the Lord to Micah
Period: 735 BCE to 735 BCE
730 BCE
Isaiah Prophesies about Jesus
Period: 722 BCE to 430 BCE
721 BCE
Assyria Conquers the Northern Kingdom of Israel
697 BCE
The Vision of Nahum
Period: 697 BCE to 697 BCE
638 BCE
The Word of the Lord to Zephaniah
Period: 638 BCE to 638 BCE
627 BCE
The Call of Jeremiah
Period: 627 BCE to 586 BCE
625 BCE
The Oracle to Habakkuk
Period: 625 BCE to 625 BCE
Period: 605 BCE to 539 BCE
604 BCE
Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
593 BCE
Ezekiel's Calling and Instruction
Period: 593 BCE to 573 BCE
591 BCE
Ezekiel Prophecies Against Jerusalem
586 BCE
The Fall of Jerusalem
586 BCE
Jeremiah Prophesies against Babylon
586 BCE
Jeremiah's Lamentations
Period: 586 BCE to 586 BCE
539 BCE
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Period: 538 BCE to 456 BCE
537 BCE
Proclamation of Cyrus
537 BCE
Exiles Return to Jerusalem
535 BCE
Temple Work Begins
520 BCE
The Word of the Lord by Haggai
520 BCE
The Word of the Lord by Zechariah
Period: 520 BCE to 520 BCE
Period: 520 BCE to 520 BCE
515 BCE
Completion and Dedication of the Temple
Period: 483 BCE to 472 BCE
478 BCE
Esther Becomes Queen
473 BCE
The King Honors Mordecai
473 BCE
Mordecai Discovers Haman's Plot to kill the Jews
472 BCE
Purim Instituted
458 BCE
Ezra Journey's to Jerusalem
Period: 445 BCE to 432 BCE
444 BCE
The Wall is Completed
444 BCE
People Settle in Jerusalem
444 BCE
The Building of the Wall Begins
430 BCE
The Word of the Lord by Malachi
Period: 430 BCE to 430 BCE