Celts invade
Celtic warlord Vortigern invited the Jutish brothers Hengest and Horsa to settle in Kent, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight these peoples all spoke variations of a West Germanic tongue, similar to modern Frisian, variations that were different but probably close enough to be mutually intelligible. -
Angles come into England (not exact date)
The Angles settle on the coast of Britain, particularly in the north and East Anglia.
these peoples all spoke variations of a West Germanic tongue, similar to modern Frisian, variations that were different but probably close enough to be mutually intelligible. -
Frisians surround British mainland
The Frisian people, from the marshes and islands of northern Holland and western Germany, also began to encroach on the British mainland
these peoples all spoke variations of a West Germanic tongue, similar to modern Frisian, variations that were different but probably close enough to be mutually intelligible. -
Period: 450 to 450
The Anglo-Saxons Invade
-Push the Celts into Wales and North Scotland
-North Germanic roots appear. Birth of English
-Led to the creations of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms -
Saxons move into Britain
The Saxons made an increasing number of movements into the southern part of the British mainland
these peoples all spoke variations of a West Germanic tongue, similar to modern Frisian, variations that were different but probably close enough to be mutually intelligible. -
Christianity brought to Britain
St. Augustine brought Christianity to the pagan Anglo-Saxons of the rest of England -
Sep 8, 600
English increased in diversity from the Germanic language that the invaders all spoke
four major dialects of Old English gradually emerged: Northumbrian in the north of England, Mercian in the midlands, West Saxon in the south and west, and Kentish in the southeast. -
Sep 8, 601
Augustine made Archbishop of Canterbury
Period: Dec 24, 793 to Dec 25, 793
Vikings first appear in England
-Lindisfarne monastery is raised & destoryed (loss of written manuscripts)
-Vikings started off by seasonal raiding however by mid 9th Century started to stay
-Began to sieze land from Anglo-Saxon inhabitants -
Sep 8, 871
Alfred the Great crowned
Period: Dec 24, 878 to Dec 25, 878
Battle of Edington
-Alfred King of Wessex defeats Guthrum leader of Norse army
-Setting up of Danelaw-splitting England into 2 different countries -
Sep 8, 899
Alfred the Great dies
Sep 8, 991
Battle of Maldon
Period: Dec 24, 1016 to Dec 25, 1035
Unified the English Kingdom
Cnut the Great ruled over the whole of England kingdom, itself the product of Wessex -
Dec 24, 1066
Anglo-Saxons defeated by Normans
King Harold defeated by Norman king William the Conquerer.
All Anglo-Saxon lords and landowners driven North to Scotland.
Replaced by Norman Nobles who speak old French. Old English disappears. -
Dec 24, 1154
Count Henry of Anjou crowned
Fluent in Latin and French, Caused large amounts of French speakers to come into England -
Dec 24, 1348
Black Death
Wiped out many French speakers. English classified as most recognised language in England -
Dec 24, 1362
Parliament opened at Westminster
Dec 24, 1362
language of law
Law recognised too few languages recognised Latin and French.Declared cases can be pleaded in English -
About Danelaw
-Becomes Norse kingdom. Northumberland, Mercia and Wessex remain English
-Trading means mingling, adding Norse words as well as Norse graphemes
-14 Shires: York, Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln, Essex, Cambridge, Norfolk, Northampton, Huntington etc