
By javaun
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    This event happen 1838 to 1839 the trail of tears was mainly about how the cherokee tribe had to give up there land and migrate to to a area of present day of Oklahoma. Some of the tribes were the Cherokee tribe, Chicksaw tribe and the Choctaw tribe
  • Jim Thorpe

    Jim Thorpe
    Jim Thorpe was born May 28,1887 Jim Thorpe was an all American football kind of guy. The high school he went to was called Carlsile high school. He was also a gold meadlist he was the first one from are country to ever win gold in America. The sports Jim Thorpe all played were football, baseball and track. Sadly though Jim Thorpe died March 28,1956 are great american athlete died of a heart attack.
  • Oklahoma Statehood

    Oklahoma Statehood
    Oklahoma became a state in November 16,1907.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl began at the year of 1930 the Dust Bowl was also know as the dirty thirties . The cause of the Dust Bowl was the failure of appliance of applying dryland farming. The states that got affected by this massive storm was Oklahoma,Texas,,Kansas,Colorado and New Mexico.What help them was to start planting more trees and rotating crops more.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    The Oklahoma City Bombing hapened April 19, 1995 basically what happened a guy with a truck full of explosives drove by a building and blew up 14 buildings and left 168 peopl dead. The sicko responsible for this was Timothy Mcveigh. Later Timothy Mcveigh was excuted on june 11, 2001.