Oj Simpson

By Th1844
  • Nicole Simpson Brown and Ron Goldman are murdered

    Brian "Kato" Kaelin, who is Simpson's houseguest at his Rockingham mansion just a couple of miles down the road from Brown's home, hears a thumping noise on the opposite side of his wall and goes outside to investigate. A neighbor spots Brown's white Akita by itself barking with bloody paws.
  • O.J. Simpson becomes a suspect

    Police arrive at Simpson's Rockingham mansion to inform him of Brown's death but instead discover his blood-stained Bronco and a bloody glove that matches one found near Goldman's body.
  • Robert Shapiro becomes O.J. Simpson's attorney

    Replacing Howard Weitzman, defense attorney Robert Shapiro takes over as lead counsel for Simpson.
  • Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman's funerals

    Simpson and his two children attend Brown's funeral. A funeral is also held for Goldman.
  • The Bronco chase

    Simpson gets charged for the murders of Brown and Goldman.
    Fans on the side of the street cheering O.J. Simpson on during the Bronco chase. Fans on the side of the freeway cheering O.J. Simpson on during the Bronco chase. Although he originally promised to surrender to authorities, Simpson flees and becomes a fugitive.
  • Simpson pleads not guilty

    Simpson pleads "absolutely, 100 percent not guilty" to the murder charges. Judge Lance Ito is assigned to the case.
  • Prosecution wants life without parole

    Prosecution decides not to pursue the death penalty and instead, seeks life without parole for the defendant if he's convicted.
  • The jury is selected

    The initial jury is selected and is made up of four males and eight females. Eight of the jurors are black, one Hispanic, one white, and two mixed race.
  • The jury reports for duty

    The jury - 12 men and 12 women - are sequestered.
  • Simpson's lawyers stop speaking to each other

    Shapiro tells the media that he and another one of Simpson's defense attornies F. Lee Bailey are no longer on speaking terms.
  • Johnnie Cochran takes the reigns of the defense

    Johnnie Cochran becomes lead counsel for the defense.
  • The prosection begins its opening statement

    Prosecutors Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden make passionate opening statements. "He killed her out of jealousy," Darden told the jury. "He killed her because he couldn't have her."
  • The defense gives its opening statement

    Cochran begins his opening statement on behalf of the defense. "This case is about a rush to judgment, an obsession to win at any costs," he told the jury.
  • O.J. Simpson's book comes out

    Simpson's book, I Want to Tell You: My Response to Your Letters, Your Messages, Your Questions, is released.
  • Nicole Simpson Brown's sister-in-law takes the stand

    Brown's sister-in-law, Denise Brown, testifies in tears over how Simpson abused Brown.
  • The jury visits key locations

    The jurors take a field trip to Simpson's Rockingham home and Brown's house, now labeled a crime scene
  • Mark Fuhrman says he's not racist

    Mark Fuhrman is cross-examined and denies being racist. He also objects to the defense's theory that he undermined the investigation by tampering with evidence.
  • Kato Kaelin takes the stand...again

    For a second time, Kaelin takes the stand and describes how he spent his evening with Simpson just hours before the double homicide occurred.
  • Dennis Fung confesses crime scene wrongdoings

    Criminologist Dennis Fung admits that proper protocols were not entirely enforced at the scene of the crime.
  • The DNA evidence is presented

    testimony begins and jurors learn one day later that one in 170 million people, including Simpson, would have the genetic characteristics as a drop of blood that discovered at the crime scene.
  • O.J. Simpson tries on the leather gloves

    Darden has Simpson try on the leather gloves in front of the jury. Simpson puts them on and declares them "too tight."
  • Tapes are released of Mark Fuhrman saying racial slurs

    The jury hears old taped recordings of Fuhrman making multiple racial slurs, and also bragging about his enforcement of police brutality.
  • The defense presents its closing argument

    Following the prosecution's closing arguments the day before, Cochran delivers his closing argument to the jury with his famous phrase: "If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”
  • O.J. Simpson is acquitted

    Deliberating for less than four hours, the jury returns with a verdict of not guilty on two counts of murder. Simpson is a free man.