June 17, 2010
BP announces it will place $20bn in a fund to compensate victims of the oil spill and says it will not pay a shareholder dividend this year. -
July 27,2010
BP confirms that chief executive Tony Hayward will leave his post by mutual agreement in October, but he is likely to retain a position in the company. BP plans to nominate him as a non-executive director of its Russian joint venture, TNK-BP. -
July 28,2010
US scientists say the oil from the well has cleared from the sea surface faster than expected, 100 days after the disaster began. -
August 4,2010
The US government says three-quarters of the oil spilled in the Gulf has been cleaned up or broken down by natural forces. -
August 19,2010
A study published in a leading scientific journal confirms the presence of a toxic chemical residue one kilometre below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, but says it amounts to just 0.1% of the total amount spilled. -
September 8,2010
In its own internal report into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill - the first to be published since the disaster - BP spreads the blame for the 11 April explosion and resulting leak. -
September 8,2010
In a 193-page report BP accepts responsibility in part for the disaster, but also blames other companies working on the well. -
September 17,2010
BP pumps cement to seal the damaged well after it was intercepted by a relief well. -
September 19,2010
The ruptured well is finally sealed and "effectively dead", says the top US federal official overseeing the disaster, Coast Guard Adm Thad Allen.