official power and countervailing powers

  • Dec 17, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
    • No official governement however they did have structure.
    • The Iroquois lived in a society that was Matriarchy
    • Algonquians lived in a society that was Patriarchy
  • Period: Dec 17, 1500 to

    official power and countervailing power

  • French Regime

    French Regime
    - The period the French were in control.
  • Power relations between the Church and the State:

    Power relations between the Church and the State:
    -The Church was involved in political decisions because of its role in the Souvereign Council.
    -Companies who held monopoly were destroying New France.
    -The monopoly of fur was placed by the Minister of Marine.
    -The Royal Government was put into place in 1663
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    -The King and the Minister of Marine would remain in France.
    -Sovereign Council ran New France directly.
    -The Sovereign council was made up of: Governor, Intendant, Bishop.
    -The Bishop was appointed by the Pope.
  • Power Relations Between the Colony and the Mother Country

    Power Relations Between the Colony and the Mother Country
    -The influence of decisions made by the mother country on the power in the colony.
    -The king names administrators of the colony and can still reverse any decisions they make. (Absolute Monarchy)
  • New France Life

    New France Life
    -Settlers had a happy life but there was a lot of work to do.
    Nobility/Elite (Governor)Middle Class/Bourgeoisie (Seignuers)Peasants/Habitant (censitaries)
  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    1. The French Militia could go back home and wouldn't lose their property.
    2. The French pro soldiers and military would lay down their arms and leave.
    3. The people could practice the R.C. religion, but the Bishop would have to leave.
    4. Everyone can leave, but if they stay they are British subjects
  • British Rule

    British Rule
    -The period of time that the English were in control.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    1-It gives the King’s new colony a name: The Province of Quebec
    2-It decreases the borders to just around the St-Lawrence river valley.
    3-Put in place a civilian Government to run the new Colony 4- English Criminal and Civil laws were applied.5-
    Unused land would be divided by the Township System
    6-No new Bishop would be allowed
    7-No Roman
  • James Murray

    James Murray
    -James Murray did not agree with the Royal Proclamation because the population of Quebec was only 1% englsih and 99% french.
    -It did not make sense to imply all these English rules on the French.
    -He changed rules to make the French happier.
  • Tready of paris

    Tready of paris
    -Treaty that ends the Seven Year War in Europe.
    -All territory goes from French to English.
    -France only kept St-Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Guy Carleton

    Guy Carleton
    -The English were unhappy with James Murray because he was favoring the French so they damanded for a new governer.
    -James Murray was replaced by Guy Carleton.
    -He kept James Murrays decisions the same however he was still tolarent towards the French so that they would stay loyal.
  • Independance of America

    Independance of America
    -Americans were unhappy with the British.
    -They faught for their independance and won.
  • Loyalists

    -After the US gained their independance some of the population wanted to stay loyal to Britain and moved back to British owned land.
    -36000 loyalists went to Canada and 6000 loyalists went to Quebec.
    -The English population of Quebec increased 1% →10%
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    -Made to satisfy the loyalists.
    -Quebec was seperated into Upper and Lower Canada.
    -Lower Canada was mostly French.
    -Upper Canada was mostly English.
    -Ottawa River was the boundary between them.
    -In Lower Canada the French kept their religion, civil laws, and people could work in the administration.
    -In Upper Canada the Protestants, would use the township system and english civil laws.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    -Written by the leader of the Patriotes Louis Joseph Papineau.
    -List of assemblys demands.
    -Mainly for a Responsible Government.
    -Sent to London.
  • Rebellions

    -Upper Canada's rebellion which was lead by William Lyon Mackenzie was put to a quick end.
    -Lower Canada's rebellion which was led by Louis Joseph Papineau after several battles (St-Charles, St-Denis, St-Eustrache) was also put down.
  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    -Previous premier of Quebec.
    -Didn't believe in urbanizations.
    -He believed that the rural communities were the best places to promote traditional values.
    -Adopted the fleurdelisé as Quebec's flag
    -Provincial income tax plan
    -Refused to accept federal subsidies for education.
    -Opposed federal allowance payments to Quebec families on the same grounds.
  • Language, Nationalism and Separatism

    Language, Nationalism and Separatism
    -Quebec wanted to seperate from the rest of Canada.
    -They were afraid of their culture becoming a monortity
  • Native issues

    Native issues
    -The Oka crisis lasted 78 days, when the stand-off finally came to an end with out armed conflict, however the issues remained.
    -The Charlottetown Accord was created to deal with these issues.
    -The Peace of the Brave 2005.
    -James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement 1975.