Official Power and Countervailing Power

  • Dec 17, 1500


    Their society was a matriarchy so all the decisions were made by women.
  • Dec 17, 1500


    Their society was Patriarchy. The father played the leadership role.
  • Period: Dec 17, 1500 to

    First Occupants

  • Period: to

    French Regime

  • Life In New France

    Life  In New France
    The habitants had hapy lives but had lots of work.
    Settlers became self independant because N.F was not developping.
    There were very very rich people, and very very poor people.
    There were 3 classes: Governor, Seigneurs and censitaires.
  • Divine Right of Kings

    Divine Right of Kings
    To alter the political situation, the king ended the monopoly and place New France under the Minister of Marine. Him and Louis the 14th decided to implement Royal Government.
    Governor = Highest rank, commander of army, defense, external affairs.
    Intendant = Controlled budget, built roads, collected taxes, etc.
    Bishop = Appointed by the Pope.
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    The Great Peace of Montreal was a peace treaty between New france and 40 nations of North America.
    French allied to the Hurons and the Algonquians.
    Was also called the Grand Settlement of 1701
  • Period: to

    British Rule

  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    French militia could return home.
    The French regular military would lay down their arms and leave.
    They could practice the Roman Catholic tradition.
    People who stayed would become british subjects.
  • Difficulties of the first governors

    Difficulties of the first governors
    James Murray realised that the Royal Proc would not work because only 1% of the population of Quebec was english.
    So that the rest of the French Roman Catholics content, he :
    1. Allowed french laws in lower courts
    2. Did not call an elected assembly
  • Effects of the Loyalists

    Effects of the Loyalists
    English population went from 1% to 10.
    Settled according to the Township system.
    Gave their settlements english names.
    Wrote petitions to London so they could have an Elected assembly and english civil laws.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris would end the 7 years war. All of the New France territory was given to the king of England except for 2 small islands.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamation is a constitution put in place to protect French British subjects, and try to assimilate them.
    In the Royal Proc:
    1. King's colony gets a new name; Province of Quebec.
    2. Decreases the boarders just around the St.Laurence Valley.
    3. Put in place a new Civilian government to run the new colony.
    4. English Civil and Criminal laws were applied.
    5. Land that was not used would be devided by the system Township.
    6. No new Bishops allowed.
    7. No R.C could hold public office.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Guarentees French Canadian loyalty.
    Enlarges area of Quebec.
    Denied an elected assembly.
    Appointed Council.
    French civil laws were forced.
    Test act Oath.
  • Constitutional act

    Constitutional act
    Quebec split up in 2: Upper Canada and Lower Canada.
    Lower Canada was almost fully french; they had 160 thousand people.
    Upper Canada was entirely english; with 20 thousand people.
    In Lower Canada, the French kept their religion, civil laws, and people could work in the admin.
    In Upper Canada, the Protestants would use the Township system, and had english civil laws.
  • Representative Government

    Representative Government
    Lieutenant Governor: Deputy governor.
    Executive council: Appointed by the Governor.
    Legislative council: Approves or rejects laws
    from the Assembly.
    Legislative assembly: People were elected every 4 years, had the power to approve or to disapprove taxes, and they could create laws.
    Ordinary people: Finally had a say in the Government Faults----------------
    Legislative Assembly had the power to make laws but, whenever they tried, they were shut down because the Governor had veto power.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    Louis Joseph Papineau was the one who wrote the 92 resolutions. In the 92 resolutions, his main demand was for responsible government., and the government made up by the people would be responsible for its decisions.
    Lord Josh Russell responded with 10 Resolutions which didn't solve any of the Patriote's problems. The response was taken as an insult and rebellions broke out in Upper and Lower Canada.
  • Rebellions of 1837- 1838

    Rebellions of 1837- 1838
    Lower Canada's rebellion was lead by Louis Joseph Papineau, and after many batlles, they were put down.
    12 Patriotes were hanged ouside MTL's prison as a symbol.
    Durhams recommendations: 1. Britain should increase immigration.
    2. Canadas should be united.
    3. Responsible government should be granted to remove veto power.
  • Union Act

    Union Act
    Creates the Province of Canada which is consisting of Canada East and Canada West.
    Canada East and West had 42 to its Assembly.
    Governor still had veto power.
    Canada East and West would pay equally for their debts.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    They agreed on these points:
    A federal system.
    24 seats each colony.
    Assembly elected by population.
    Build a railway between colonies.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

  • London Conference

    London Conference
    4 colonies met to arrange for the British Empire to become a Self Governing colony which was called The Dominion of Canada.
    Other provinces would join.
  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    The government controlled by Maurice beleived that the State should not intervene in social or economic sectors.
    Union leaders acuse Maurice of opposing social progress and of serving American interests rather then the interests of Quebec's workers.
  • Quebec Separating from Canada. why?

    Quebec Separating from Canada. why?
    Quebec wants to separate because of their cultural differences and opressive struggle since English overtaking French see themselves as Quebecois, not Canadians.