Sea Sickness On The Voyage
There was a lot of sea sickness on this voyage. But that wasnt something that could be recovered until they got off the ship. The ship got really rocky at times so that would cause the sickness. God made sure that no one got crazy sick and died from this. No one died from this sea sick ness. " And i may not omit here a special work of God's providence". -
Too Crowded
The ship was really compacted and there wasn't a lot of room. It was very hard for the people in the ship to move. God really didnt control any of this. -
A lot of starvation was happening on this ship. But God watched over them and gave them a thanksgiving full of replenishing food. That showed God watched them struggle to find food but then gave them in return. 'And besides the fowl of water, there was great store of wild turkeys". -
There were tons of diseases carried on this ship. Diseases like malaria and the flu were spread on this ship and a lot of people started to get really ill. People aboard the ship died but God didn't have any control over that, -
Windy Voyage
During this whole voyage, it was very windy. But with God's providence, they got through it all, safe and sound.