Bully on the ship
One of the crew members had been terrorizing the people below deck. Many of the passengers on board came down with deadly illnesses. This awful crew member had contracted one of these deadly diseases. In conclusion he died from this disease and was thrown over board. -
Broken ship
At one point in their voyage the ship was falling apart. The wind and the rough waves were getting to it. luckily they had the correct screw to put it back together again.
"So they committed themselves to the will of god and resolved to proceed" (Bradford 30) -
Dangerous sailing
As the ship sailed deeper into the sea the storms and waves became almost unbearable. Danger was around every wave and every dark cloud. The storms made the sea a death trap that the passengers feared they wouldn't make it through.
"the winds were so fierce and the seas so high" (Bradford 30) -
During the Storms
One unfortunate man was thrown off of the ship during one of these awful storms but was saved by a rope. Bradford believed it to be the work of god.
"thrown into sea; but it pleased God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards" (Bradford 30) -
More and more of the crew began to get sick and die. Sickness and disease spread quickly. More than half of the crew died. They only had about 50 people remaining and most were too sick and weak to work to build shelter.
"So as there died sometimes two or three of a day in the forsaid time, that of 100 and odd persons, scarce fifty remained." (Bradford 31)