Profane Sailor
There was a partricular sailor on board the ship who wasn't exactly of the best company. When someone was sick, he condemned them, and treated them animals. He treated most people like animals. However, on this day, this puritan died. He came down with a very bad disease, died, and was thrown out.
"it pleased God before they came half seas over, to smite this young man with a grevious disease, of which he died in a desperate manner, and so himself the first that was thrown overboard". (29) -
Problems with the Main Beam
The main beam to the ship started to break and crack. This made everyone fear the voyage and give them thoughts of them not making it. If the main beam broke, it would be over. However, Puritans brought a big iron screw from Holland, and with the help of a carpenter on board, the fashioned the screw in the beam to make it sufficient to sail,
"... and for the buckling of the main beam, there was a great iron screw the passengers brought out of Holland, which would raise the beam into place". (30 -
Man Overboard
A man fell overboard on this day. Though he certainly could have been dead, he got very lucky. There were ropes hanging off of the ship that could be grabbed. So, the man did just that, and grabbed and held on for dear life. Eventually, they managed to pull him up, and avoid another death.
"... but it pleased God that he caught hold of the topsail which hung overboard and ran out at length." (30) -
Landing with No Where to Go
Even though their long, difficult journey had come to an end, they realized they had nothing. There wasn't any kind of town, house, or people when they landed in Cape Cod. They were basically alone. This would prove to cause hardships, since they had no where to rest that wasn't aboard the ship.
"... they had now no friends to welcome them nor inns to entertain or refresh their weather-beaten bodies; no houses or much less towns to repair to, to seek for succor". (31) -
Half the Company Gone, Other Half Still Suffers
Since they got there in was essentially the start of winter, having low supplies and no starting houses did a number on the Puritans. In those first months of winter, half the people they landed with died of either the cold or disease. However, there were a few people who did most work like get food, wood, and wash clothes for these people. Those people who did this labor saved the remaining company.
"... in two or three months time, half of their company died". (31)