Big Bully
On the ship, there was a man who enjoyed making everyone elses lives miserable. He tourmented everyone. The bully didn't care who you were, He was afraid of no one. untill one day this man became very ill. God had given him a disease. He then died and the rest of the people wrapped him up and threw him over board. God helped out the rest of the Puritans. He saved them from the bully. "To smite this young man with a grievous disease." (Bradford 29) -
Main Beam
All of the puritans feared that the ship would not last the voyage. One of the main beams of the ship started to crack. they feared that it was unfixable and feared that they would have to turn around and go home. God played the savior and brought them a iron screw to fix the beam. Some still had fear that it wouldnt work, but it would do the job for now. ""for the buckling of the main beam, there was agreat iron screw the passengers brought out of Holland," (Bradford 30) -
Strong Winds
These men, women, and children were all crammed into the bottom of this ship. they could barely move a muscle. Sea sickness and tight spaces dont mix well together. The winds were so strong, everyone thought that they wouldnt make it to land. But God lead the way and sailed to safety. "and thought themselves happy to get out of those dangers before night overtook, as by God's good providence they did. And the next day they got into Cape Harbor where they rid to safety." (Bradford 30) -
Brutal Winters
The Puritans traveled to unknown land. They had no clue what was standing before them, they were whilling to face whatever came to them. They came in with Weather-beaten-faces. The praised to God evrytime they went into the thick wilderness.God would keep them safe as they make their tough journey into the deep woods. "Englishmen which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish this wilderness, but they cried unto the Lord, and He heard their voice and looked on their adversity." -
Loved Ones Lost
By Feburary of 1621 more than half of the Puritans hadnt made it through the winters. Warmth was coming back around and these men, women, and children had to keep moving. A death couldnt stop them because if that was the case noone would have survied. They praised to the Lord for help and forgivness. he was there to listen. "And I doubt not but their recompense is with the Lord."