Of Plymouth Plantation

By Lukey C
  • Bully on Ship

    Everyone on the ship was for the most part nice to each other. However there was this one person that was continuesly mean to the pilgrims, he was a ship ( crew member ) on the boat. Forutnate for the pilgrims he ended up dieing by falling off the boat.
  • Period: to

    Of Plymouth Plantation

  • Voyage

    The voyage on the May Flower was along tough one. The piligrims didnt exactly have the nicest place to sleep and live in. Most of the pilgrims stayed in the front of the boat where intial contact hits from waves hit. Its routy wet and very bumpy. Also people would use the bathroom there so it wouldnt smell to great either.
  • Sick on board

    Many people were sick on board of the may flower towards the end of the voyage. Alot of people ended up with feavers and getting hurt badly. only a total of about four people died i believe. The pilgrims on board also started to get very hungry, lack of food was a problem.
  • Arrival

    The pilgrims finally arrive. They are all so happy but they ran into a little bit of a problem. None of them knew where or how to get food. Also people were still sick and had to get over there sickness. The pilgrims also had no place to sleep or really live. After there long voyage they still had problems.
  • Squanto

    The pilgrims saw squanto, or more like found him. He helped the pilgrims with everything and he could speak english a little bit at least. Squanto showed him how to plant crops and have them grow faster also showed them how to harvest crops. Squanto was really the pilgrims savior