• 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Athena talks to Zeus. Then Athena comes down to earth as Mentes. And then talks to Taphians about Odyssey his father.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    Penelope plays tricks on all the men that want to marry her. The one at she always does is that she says she will marry after she finishes shroud but, she would never be done because she would then unravel it at night.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    Telemachus calls an assembly about all the men stop trying to marry his mother.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    Book 3
    Telemachus asks Menter to tell everything about his father Odyssey. So, Menter said he couldn't because it would take 5 years to listen. But, he told him alittle more about him.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    Telemachus and Pisistratus went to King Pisistratus kingdom.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    The King Menelaus and he told him a store about the Old Man of the Ses. That is where Menelaus got some of his info.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    Penelope then started to pray to Athena, child of Zeus. To protect her son.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    Medon comes to Penelope and tells her that there is a plan to kill her son on the way back Pylos.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Hermes comes down to Calypso island. And talks to Calypso about letting Odyssey go. Calypso says to Hermes that she doesn't have many resources but, she is going to help him as much as she can.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odyssey then started to make himself a raft to get home on. Calypso then also gave him all the food and water that he with need on his jorny home.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odyssey then goes out to sea. But then Poseidon then sees him and gets mad and makes the wives high and makes it like a storm.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odyssey then gets help from a mirmad.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odyssey then swam and made it to an island. But, not a good island.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odysseys then were on the island but, did not want to sleep on the beach because it would be cold. So, he slept in a tree covered in a tree.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    Book 6
    Odyssey's then woke up out of the tree. And started talking to a ladie to help him.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    Book 6
    The girl that helped him name is Nausicaa and she is a presence. Her father is King Alcinoos. She helped Odyssey's get ready to go see the King. But, she can only go haft way and he'll have to go the rested of the way alown.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    Book 6
    Then on his way to the pales, he was confused and then prayed to Athena. The out of no were this little girl appeareds.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    Book 7
    So then the king showed up and agreed with the queen. And they then gave time a bed to sleep in, for him to join the fest in the tomorrow, and then ships to bring him home on.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    Book 7
    Odyssey's then got to the queen and begged for her man bring him home. The queen said yes to you where sent by Zeus.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    Book 7
    The little girl then showed Odyssey the rested of the way to the palace. Without a single word spoken. Then out of nowhere, she poofs and she was gone. Odyssey was shoked but kept going.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8

    Book 8
    When Odyssey's wakes they get ready and they start to celebrate their fest. And they do a lot of things doing it like dance, games, and more.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8

    Book 8
    At the end of the story, a man was playing the troy song. Odyssey got real upset and the king saw that so the king told the man playing to stop and they the king asked for his story and his name. And so Odyssey then told them.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Flashback chapter: Odyssey and his crow after taking over Troy they went over. They went over Cicones to take over there too.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    They drow the people out of Cicones and Odyssey's army drunk all the wine and take it. But, the people there then went to there nabers and made an army to fight them out of there land.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    The people then drew them out and the Odyssey lost 6 men from each ship.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Then the waters brought them to unknown waters. And brought them to Lotus Eaters. Which when you eat them they get you very lazy and more. But, then Odyssey then got ad draged all his men back to the ship.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    When they got back on the ship the went back out to the sea and Zeus Brought them to a different place where it was very foggy. They did not know what island they where on but then they walked around and found a big cage.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    When they went into the cave Odyssey's and his men seen pens with sheep in it. But, then they got trapped in there but a big giant monster named Polyphemus. But, they hide right away.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Book 9
    Well, Odyssey and his men were in the cave, Polyphemus then ate 2 of him men for dinner, breakfast, and lunch. But, then Odyssey finally came up with a plan. To give him a lot of wine that they got and poked him in the eye and made him blind. And he got really mad at the men and Odyssey's. And that's how they also got out hiding under his sheep
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    The next island that they come upon was a floating one made of solid bronze. It was Aeolia the home of King Aeolus who is gods of the wind. The gods gave him his powers.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    King Aeolia then let them go again. So, Odyssey and his men started to sail again. But, and they landed on another island. Odyssey told 2 men to go check it out. The land that they are on is the land of the Laestrygonians.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Then the 2 men went to go see the King and Queen of that island. But, they got attacked by the laestryonians. They ran back to the bouts then and made it back the bouts then traded to get out but only one got out and the other ones sank. Odyssey's bout got out though.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    So, they take off again and made it to another island. This island as a lot of wild animals acting like house pet. This island is Circe's island. She started to turn Odyssey's men into pigs.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    Odyssey went to go look around for help and ran into Hermes and he help Odyssey find a way to help his men. And after that at the end Circe told him to got to the land of the dead and she would help him get there.
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Book 10
    King Aeolus then let them go with a gift, a bag of wind. When that got on the bout Odyssey was up for 5 days so, when he sat down he fell asleep and his men betrayed him and opened the bag. Some of his men died that way too. Becuase when they opened the bag it bloow them all the way back to king Aeolus island.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    They get to the island of the dead then. He first saw his Elpenor, he friend Odyssey's who he died not know that was because he saw here him yesterday.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    Then Odyssey saw Tiresias. And he told him the future of what is going to happen.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    After him, he saw his mother. Odyssey asked her if he knows if his son and wife was ok and she answered they were fine and what they are doing. Then He wanted to see his father but he is somewhere sleeping on mountains. Then also Odyssey asked how she got here.
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 11

    Book 11
    After all thoughs people, he saw some more and asked question and more. But, then Odyseey and his men had to get out of there, they were gitting casted out.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Odyssey and his men then go back to Aeaea to burn Elpenor's body. Then in the morning Circe then sent them on there way.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    Circe warned them of many things. One was to pledge your ears with bees wakes so you can,t hear the sweer songs lures sailors to certain doom, the island of sirens. And ty the person that hears it to the bout.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    The second one warning was when you get the Scylla island the six head monster, you tell your men to row as fast as they can.It will eat six of your men for the six months and if you stay to fight he will eat 6 more.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    After that, they see the island Thrinacia. And Odyssey told his men to only eat the food that Circe gives use. But, then his men didn't do that and they eat all the animals there so then they left that island.
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 12

    Book 12
    When they get back out sea but it started to get very foggy that they could not see anything. Not even the land that why just came left. Then a big lightning strike came and stuck there ship and they ship then was in pieces. Odyssey grabbed on to a little piece of wood and called it a rafted. Then he floated to Scylla and Charybdis. Then he grabbed on to a tree then let lose out it and floated to Calypso's island. And got stoke there till she finally let him go.
  • 1188 BCE

    Book 13

    Book 13
    Then Odysseys is on about and the people on that bout drops him ad his stuff off and leaves him sleeping there on the sand.
  • 1188 BCE

    Book 13

    Book 13
    When he awakes he yells because he thinks they lifted him on an unowed island. But, they Athena apers and helps him out and moves the fog and said that he was home.
  • 1188 BCE

    Book 13

    Book 13
    Athena said to Odyssey what he had to do first. He has to go see Eumaeus.
  • 1188 BCE

    Book 13

    Book 13
    Athena moved him to a cave, with all his stuff. Well in that have Athena made him look different so no one could recognize him not even his wife. She also told Odyssey about his son and where he is and what he is doing.
  • 1187 BCE

    Book 14

    Book 14
    Odyssey's then went to see Eumaeus and almost gets attacked by his dogs. But, Eumaeus calls them off and then Eumaeus lets Odyssey in and feeds him.
  • 1187 BCE

    Book 14

    Book 14
    The Eumaeus says something about Odyssey being his master. And Odyssey then said do you know that he is coming back and they then started talking about him.
  • 1186 BCE

    Book 15

    Book 15
    Telemachus gets on a ship to return to his island. Telemachus then falls asleep on the ship and Athena then apers and talks to him but, thought it was just an idea.
  • 1186 BCE

    Book 15

    Book 15
    When Telemachus gets home he goes see Eumaeus and a stanger was there.
  • 1185 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    Then Odysseys leave and then Athena apers and said that is was time go see you son and have him see you and to start make a plot . So then he goes back to his son and he is in shock and asked if he was a god.
  • 1185 BCE

    Book 16

    Book 16
    After when they are done taking and making a plan. Telemachus then goes to the place to go see his mother. And the men are still talking about killing Telemachus too. But, they don't know where he is, they think he is still on the bout but his mom knows he is home safely. And at the end he is with him mom talking.
  • 1184 BCE

    Book 17

    Book 17
    Odyssey and Eumaeus start walking to the palice. And Odyssey has people being mean and rude to him already for being a begger.Eumaus then prays to Zeus to bring Odyssey back to shpw all the people wrong.
  • 1184 BCE

    Book 17

    Book 17
    Then they got to the palace and Odyssey then see's a dog. And asked what, whose, and why is it there. Eumaeus then said it was Odyssey's, he was a pup when he left for troy and it's been waiting for him till he returned. Then when the dog know that, that was Odyssey the dog then passed and Athena tuke him.
  • 1184 BCE

    Book 17

    Book 17
    Odyssey then walked into the palace and Eumaeus then gave him some bread and said ask other people for more if want too. And then the so called leter of the group then started to be really mean to him and then he though a chair at him. And one of the men said that he shouldn't do it because he could be a god.
  • 1184 BCE

    Book 17

    Book 17
    Eumaeus then when to go see Penelope and where talking about the beggar (Odyssey).
  • 1183 BCE

    Book 18

    Book 18
    Irus then was scared to fight him but, then at the end Odyssey won at the end. And everyone like him then. And Odyssey warned Amphinomus, son of Nisus of Dulichion about what is coming.
  • 1183 BCE

    Book 18

    Book 18
    Then well Odyssey was sitting down, this big man walks up behind him saying that he waits to fight. Odyssey said that there was room for both of them but he wanted to fight. So then they went outside to fight. And all the people where saying that they should fight.
  • 1182 BCE

    Book 19

    Book 19
    Odyssey and Telemachus are talking and thinking where they are going to put the weapons. They disid to put it in the storeroom. But, it was dark in there so, then Athena lights up the room.
  • 1182 BCE

    Book 19

    Book 19
    Then Odyssey talks to Penelope and after Penelope said to bathe him but, he said only his feet and then Eurycleia the oldest maid and his nurse has a child washed his feet.
  • 1182 BCE

    Book 19

    Book 19
    Eurycleia realizes who he is a skare but, she stays quiet for him. But, then Penelope asked him to tell her was her dream means. And it meant Odyssey is coming back and killing people too.
  • 1182 BCE

    Book 19

    Book 19
    Penelope then comes up with a plan to get someone to marry. They people would have to string a bow and shot it though rings. What odyssey is best at doing she said.
  • 1181 BCE

    Book 20

    Book 20
    Odyssey lays down but can't fall asleep. So Athena talks to him and then said to him to rest.
  • 1181 BCE

    Book 20

    Book 20
    Then the morning came around and everyone is up. Eumaeus then comes down and see Odyssey but then Philoetius and they all start talking for a little bit. Then they go to the palice.
  • 1181 BCE

    Book 20

    Book 20
    Telemachus then sits Odyssey down at a table but the suitor are mean to him again but then one person through something at him again and Telemachus yells at them.
  • 1181 BCE

    Book 20

    Book 20
    Penelope then goes to the storage room. And she takes the bow and arows adn walks back up stairs well crying.
  • 1180 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Ponelipe explaned the the men how to play the game or some like. Who ever wins/ does it gets to marry her.
  • 1180 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    They then set everything up and Telemicus went first but he could not do it, he was so close though, to make him stop Odyssey shock his head and told him to stop. But, then after that all the men did it but faled.
  • 1180 BCE

    Book 21

    Book 21
    Then Odyssey tried it and everyone was saying to put it down and stuff and he did all of it. He won his own game.
  • 1179 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    Then he turned back into his own body and the war started.
  • 1179 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    They killed everyone that was mean and not meant to be there but saved the people that were nice and helped them. Telemachus told Odyssey which men and good to stay and that you should not kill. And one of them was medon.
  • 1179 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    The suitor got into the wepends then they fighting evenly. But, then Odyssey called Athena to help them and she did.
  • 1179 BCE

    Book 22

    Book 22
    When the war was done they called in some of the maids to clean up and a lot of them were crying and sad.
  • 1178 BCE

    Book 23

    Book 23
    Then the oldest maid went to wake up Penelope. Well, Odyssey cleaned up and got dressed. Then he went to see her. Then they finaly seen each and was very very happy.
  • 1177 BCE

    Book 24

    Book 24
    Odyssey goes to see his father. And his father makes share that it was him, Odyssey showed him the skair and the trres that he gave him to prove it was him.
  • 1177 BCE

    Book 24

    Book 24
    Medon tells all the suitors fathers to not to go there because he know the gods were on there side.
  • 1177 BCE

    Book 24

    Book 24
    Then the suitor fathers started coming and a war almost stuck out again. But, that Athena apers and tels them to stop and make peace to each other. And they did they droppeed there wepens and all.