
Odysseus' Odyssey

  • Odysseus leaves Troy

    Odysseus leaves Troy
    Odysseus leaves Troy with his men after he helped to defeat the Trojans with his billiant idea of the Trojan horse.
  • Cicones attack!

    Cicones attack!
    The cicones attack Odysseus and his men because they were allies with their enemy. Ciconian reinforcements arrive and attack the invading Achaeans, killing so many of them that Odysseus and his men are forced to flee in their ships. Six men of each of Odysseus' ships were killed.
  • Encounter Lotus Eaters

    Encounter Lotus Eaters
    Some of Odysseus' men eat the evil lotus flowers and forget their need to return home but Odysseus forces them to the ship, ties them up, and leaves just in time.
  • Cylops Polyphemus captures Odysseus

    Cylops Polyphemus captures Odysseus
    Odysseus and his men are captured by the cyclops Polyphemus after they go exploring on his island. Polyphemus eats several of the men but Odysseus and comes up with a brilliant plan and stabs the cyclpos in the eye, making him blind, and then hides under the cyclops' sheep on order to escape from his ominous cave.
  • Period: to

    Cyclops holds Odysseus captive

  • Aeolus the wind king helps Odysseus

    Aeolus the wind king helps Odysseus
    Aelous helps Odysseus by housing the wind in a closed bag, so the ship wouldnt be pushed back to the Island.
  • Odysseus sees Ithaca!

    Odysseus sees Ithaca!
    20 years later Odysseus finally made it back to his homeland.
  • Odysseus men let the wind out!

    Odysseus men let the wind out!
    Aelous gave Odysseus the bag of wind so that they could sail home, but Odysseus' men thought he had treasure that he was keeping for himself, so they went to open the bag and all the wind pushed them back to Aelous Island.
  • Laestrygones

    Odysseus visited them during his journey back home to Ithaca. The giants ate many of Odysseus' men and destroyed eleven of his twelve ships by launching rocks from high cliffs. Odysseus' ship was not destroyed as it was hidden in a cove near shore. Everyone on Odysseus' ship survived.
  • Odysseus reaches Aeaea and encounters Circe

    Odysseus reaches Aeaea and encounters Circe
    Odysseus' and his men reach the island of Aeaea and while Odysseus stays with the ship, a small crew of his men explore the island and are turned into pigs after they are tricked by te witch, Circe. One man escapes however, and manages to reach Odysseus and tell him of the events that have transpired. Odysseus then goes to Circe's palace, and while he is now immune to her poison, she manages to keep him and his crew on her island for one year...I wonder what they were doing.
  • Period: to

    Odysseus stays with Circe

  • Odysseus goes to the land of the dead

    Odysseus goes to the land of the dead
    Circe tells Odysseus to go to the land of the dead to see the blind prophet to find out about his journey to come.
  • Odysseus returns to Circe

    Odysseus returns to Circe
    After his journey to the land of the dead, Odysseus returns to Circe and this time she helps them, warning them to seal their ears from the sirens and sail closer to Scylla's half of the dangerous strait they will soon encounter. She tells him that, thought he will lose some men, it is better than losing his entire ship and everyone's lives in the swirling vortex of Charybdis.
  • Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis

    Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis
    In early Greek art sirens were represented as birds with large women's heads. They were known for playing a variety of musical instruments, especially harps, to make the soldiers of Odysseus forget about their homeland. Odysseus is given advice by Circe to sail closer to Scylla, for Charybdis could drown his whole ship.Odysseus faced both Charibdys and Scylla in Homer's Odyssey while rowing through a narrow channel also known as where Scylla awaits, he lost 6 of his men.
  • Helios cattle/ Zeus's lightning bolt

    Helios cattle/ Zeus's lightning bolt
    Odysseus had been warned by the blind prophet in the land of the dead not to eat the cattle of Helios, and though he passsed this warrning on to his men, they are very hungry and each one participates in the feast. Helios is very angry, and in order to apease him, Zeus sends a lightning bolt down which kills every man that is left in Odysseus crew. Only Odysseus survives.
  • Odysseus ariives on Calypso's island

    Odysseus ariives on Calypso's island
    Odysseus raches Ogygia, the beautiful island of Calypso the sea nymph and he is once again compelled to cheat on his wife, though this time, he stays for seven years.
  • Period: to

    Odysseus stays with Calypso

  • King Alcinous hears Odysseus tale

    King Alcinous hears Odysseus tale
    Odysseus raches King Alcinous and tells him the tale of his numerous misfortunes.