Disabling Event / Cumulation (Hypothetical)
Individual Loses Job (Hypothetical)
Individual Applies for OW (Hypothetical)
Individual begins Application Process for ODSP
Doctor completes Health Status Report and Activities of Daily Living Index
Individual Completes Self-Report
Individual gathers all other Doctor and Specialist reports
Individual Submits Application to the DAU
DAU gives Director's Decision (Approximately 2.5 Months later)
Deadline to ask for IR (30 Days from Decision)
DAU Deadline gives IR decision (10 days after request)
Client can Appeal IR Decision (even if IR decision not received)
Period: to
CLASP Involved with Client
Deadline to Appeal to SBT (30 Days after IR Decision notice)
Additional Medical Submissions due to SBT and DAU (30 days before hearing)
Meeting with Client, Review Examination Questions
Hearing Date (Approx 7 months later)